
Some Android apps to Turn you into a Professional Photographer

If you are a photographer looking to nurture and develop your skills, the Android platform will offer you some startling choices. There are many...

Best Browsers for Android

Users of Android devices are increasing at record rates. There are Android phones and tablets and everyone who has an Android device uses the...

Google IO session videos hit the lights

The Google’s Input / Output annual 2012 conference took place in San Francisco during 27-28 of June. Many developers around the globe were present there and...

Chrome browser beta is available for android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Announced today the release of the beta version of chrome browser for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich phone or tablet, according to the announcement,...

Top 10 apps to Boost Business Productivity

A few years ago, Blackberry was the only smartphone that was considered perfect for corporate customers. But with the advent of Android, people no...

Miro 4 – Maintaining an Android media library just got easier

Android as a mobile platform is gaining more and more popularity day by day. However, Google is still yet to design a program that...

Android Games make it to Humble Indies Bundle this time

Humble Indie Bundles are a popular package that is growing in popularity with each release. The previous release of Humble Indie Bundle 4 was in...

Google Babble is Now BABEL

iOS, Android, Chrome, Gmail and G+ to get linked. There have been plenty of whispers about a unified, single messaging service from Google. Purportedly, this...

Would Microsoft Surface be able to keep up with Android Tablets?

The technology Giant Microsoft has ventured in the tablet making business following the foot steps of Google and Apple. The tablet Surface is obviously...

Firefox for Android comes to low-end Android handsets

The fact that open source software are more beneficial for society at large has been justified once again as Firefox for Android extends its...

Get your health secrets on your android phone

In the past two years the android market has expanded impressively. The medicine App has developed over the years and has provided great help...

How to use the bc command in Linux for Arithmetic Calculations?

The bc command stands for Basic Calculator in Linux. We use the bc command as a command-line calculator. The bc command offers the capabilities...

5 Data Security Issues on Linux

Every tech enthusiast knows that Linux comes with the freedom that hardly any other OS can offer. We don’t even have to get into...

How Learning Linux Will Improve Your Software Testing

Not a single piece of work can be submitted without a thorough revision. Any product area is impossible to survive without a quality check...

Best design tools you can use on Linux

The world of technology is teeming with tools to help you create the most stunning designs for any project. And for Linux users, the...

8 Ways to Make Gold in Lost Ark

One of the most annoying things about Lost Ark is that players are likely swimming in silver by the time they’ve reached tier one...

Best VPNs for Linux with and without GUI

The Linux operating system takes up a tiny portion of the market because it appears daunting to the average person. It’s commonly known as...

5 current topics for research paper about Linux cybersecurity

Are you a student who is studying data security in college? Are you looking for ideas for your research paper about Linux cybersecurity? You’ve...