Miro 4 – Maintaining an Android media library just got easier

Android as a mobile platform is gaining more and more popularity day by day. However, Google is still yet to design a program that allows its users to synchronize their media across their phone and computers.


However, a nonprofit organization named Participatory Culture Foundation has come up with a way to synchronize their devices with their computers using Miro 4.

Miro is available for free on all of the popular platforms – Windows, Linux and Mac. It has features that allow its users to completely keep their media library in sync on both their devices and computers. Android devices are fully supported.

Some of the coolest features it offers can be summed up as follows:

  • Ability to Synchronize with most android devices

  • Built in online store integration

  • Sharing your media over you wireless network

  • BitTorrent client included

  • Can replace your media player completely

… and so on.

Installation in Ubuntu and LinuxMint

To get miro 4 installed into your system, we’re going to need to add a ppa. Just copy paste the commands below if you’d like to get it done and over with in a snap 

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pcf/miro-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install miro

For a quick overview into the things you can do with Miro, head to http://www.getmiro.com/using-miro/

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