
Android Apps to Motivate You

Have you started the day on the wrong note, or are you nervous because of a big exam coming up? There are many times...

Top 5 Programming Languages for Developing Linux Desktop Applications

The IT industry is the quickest developing industry. It is befuddling to choose the one appropriate and useful choice as it has bunches of...

8 Ways to Make Gold in Lost Ark

One of the most annoying things about Lost Ark is that players are likely swimming in silver by the time they’ve reached tier one...

Firefox for Android comes to low-end Android handsets

The fact that open source software are more beneficial for society at large has been justified once again as Firefox for Android extends its...

Some Android apps to Turn you into a Professional Photographer

If you are a photographer looking to nurture and develop your skills, the Android platform will offer you some startling choices. There are many...

Why Use A Linux Operating System?

In this article, we'll provide some insight into why you should consider using Linux as your operating system. We'll discuss the reasons behind...

How Programming Homework Can Be Done Faster

Today we want to touch upon a critically important and relevant topic on which the success of everyone who needs to do programming homework...

Risks to Consider When Using Linux

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that's popular among developers, businesses, and individuals. The flexibility and customizability of Linux make it an...

Transcription Services on Linux: A Guide to Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency

Transcription services on Linux are becoming increasingly popular, offering users a better way to increase their productivity and efficiency. By leveraging the open-source nature...

How Linux Has Changed The Business Landscape & what The Future...

An operating system is a software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with our devices. It is the bridge of communication between...

Poop all over! | Android app.

Well yeah it’s disgusting, but somehow the Android market has a number of apps on the topic of poop. And there aren’t just a...

Top 10 apps to Boost Business Productivity

A few years ago, Blackberry was the only smartphone that was considered perfect for corporate customers. But with the advent of Android, people no...

Android Applications For Lovers: Love In Android Style

In today’s world, love lives in technology- just like it lives in the hearts of lovers. If you are an Android user, there are...

5 Data Security Issues on Linux

Every tech enthusiast knows that Linux comes with the freedom that hardly any other OS can offer. We don’t even have to get into...

Why is Android built on Linux Kernel?

Android is overwhelming. Its spreading and taking over its competitors.  According to recent reports Android is poised to claim the crown from Apple in...

Tighten the Security of Linux Servers

What is Linux? The simple and straightforward meaning of Linux is the operating system used to build a connection between the software resources and the...

Google IO session videos hit the lights

The Google’s Input / Output annual 2012 conference took place in San Francisco during 27-28 of June. Many developers around the globe were present there and...

How Does Linux Protect Its Users’ Privacy Online?

Internet users are more aware than ever before about the value of their data and how many companies want to collect and use it....