
Linux 3.12 Released, Linus Torvalds Shares Linux 4.0 Plans

The Linux father, Linus Torvalds, has announced the release of Linux kernel 3.12 in the mailing lists and he also explains in details the...

Warsow Reaches Version 1.5

Warsow 1.5 has been released with many significant updates and with a built-in HTTP server that serves UI AJAX queries. This version of Warsow contains...

Pear OS 8 Beta 2 Available For Testing

David Tavares, the creator of Pear OS and Mac user for about 10 years has announced the release of Pear OS 8.0 Beta 2,...

qBittorrent Fixes The Heartbleed Bug

A new version of the qBittorent BitTorrent client has been released with a fix for the Heartbleed bug, a very serious bug discovered a...

MANJARO 0.8.7 Will Be Released By The End Of This Month

Hello guys, Whats up? I have some news about Manjaro Linux for you guys. To be honest i have not tried this Linux distribution yet,...

Organize All RSS and Social Network Feeds Under One Roof with...

Since Google Reader is now officially closed, we are all searching for the best alternative. We have already written an article about Tiny Tiny...

VLC 2.1.0 “Rincewind” Has Been Released

VideoLAN Team has released the new major version of VLC 2.1.0 "Rincewind". It comes with many improvements and features such as new audio core,...

How To Install Linux Kernel 3.12.4 In Ubuntu

Linux Kernel 3.12.4 has been officially released with fixes for inet6_init() cleanup order, seqlock deadlock in ip6_finish_output2 and Report Descriptor for Logitech MOMO Force. In this...

IPFire Fixes ShellShock Bug In Bash Shell

IPFire, the linux-based firewall distribution, has been updated with the intention of fixing the GNU Bash vulnerability, a very serious security bug that allows...

SteamOS 1.0 Beta, Code Named “alchemist” Has Been Released!

SteamOS is a fork of Debian GNU/Linux, especially designed for Valve's Steam Machines gaming consoles . The first version SteamOS 1.0 is called 'alchemist'...

Firefox 30 Officially Released!

Mozilla has officially released Firefox 30 for all supported operating systems. Firefox 30 is minor release as compared to 29 that came in with...

Raspbian – The best optimized distro for Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a tiny-sized single-board computer that costs only 30 Euros. Due to its high demand, the Rasberry Pi Foundation had to restrict...

TurnKey Linux 13 Has Been Released!

The latest version Turnkey 13 - codenamed "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!" has been released with many feature improvements and new applications. The new...

eStudio (Baseline) Code Preview

A couple of months ago, I got word of a project that an acquaintance of mine as working on. Information...

Linux Kernel 3.10. It’s BIG!

We have not really seen any large changes or updates in the Linux kernel for quite some time. This is actually a good thing...

Google Web Designer Comes In Linux

The Google Web Designer tool is now available for download in Linux:at the moment it supports only four Linux distributions, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE and...

Clementine 1.2.1 Has Been Released!

Clementine is a free and open source multi-platform music player. It is inspired by Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and...

Chakra-2013.09-Fritz Is Out

Chakra-2013.09-Fritz version has been released yesterday. The whole Chakra team is pleased to announce the first release of Chakra Fritz. Fritz is the name...