
Ten nice Extensions for LibreOffice

LibreOffice is an open source Office Suite, an excellent alternative to MS Office. If offers a number of features and the added functionalities in...

The growth of LibreOffice over Microsoft Office

LibreOffice after one and half-years as an open source office productivity suite has grown from being just a fork of (OOo) and emerged...

Debian 7.0 ‘Wheezy’ Review

Just short of two weeks after the big release of Ubuntu 13.04 'Raring Ringtail', I had Debian 7.0 'Wheezy' arrive...

Install Atomia DNS On Ubuntu

Atomia DNS is a system to provision and improve administration of DNS settings across several DNSservers. DNS-servers can be geographically spread and are optimized...

“Puppetixing” Xen Server 6.2.0 – Making XenServer 6.2.0 play nicely with...

This is a guest post written by Alex Rodriguez. About the Author Alex Rodriguez is a Linux dev-ops administrator, running Puppet to manage a SaaS platform...

VLC: How to Download Subtitles Using VLSub

First off you need to install VLC. Go to and follow the instructions there. Why VLC? Because it's one of the best media...

Knockd – Detailed And Simpler

As I could see there are lot of articles about knockd and it’s implementation. So, what are my efforts to make this unique? I...

Install Cherokee Web Server On CentOS 6.5/6.4

Cherokee is a high performance, lightweight, full-featured web server/Reverse proxy server. It is compatible with SSL, FastCGI, and all modern web application frameworks like NodeJS,...

Monitoring Your Drupal Website Using Centreon

Introduction Centreon is an Open Source software package that lets you supervise all the infrastructure and applications comprising your information system. CES Standard is the Open...

Creation of Virtual Machine in Linux using KVM

KVM the Kernel based Virtual Machine is an open source virtualization infrastructure for the Linux Kernel. It requires a processor with hardware virtualization extension...

VirtualBox 4.3 comes with New Multi-Touch Support, virtual cam and more

Oracle announced the release of VirtualBox 4.3, this is a major release that comes with important new features, devices support and improvements. According to...

LinuxonAndroid – Run Your Favourite Linux Distribution Alongside Android

Have you ever wanted to run a Linux operating system on your Android devices? Or you may wish to test or install some Linux...

Managing And Publishing Files Hosted In A Webserver With Mollify

Have you ever wanted a utility to manage and publish the files/folders hosted in your remote web servers easily and as well as more...

Setting Up Multiple WordPress Sites Using Multisite

Introduction WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) on the internet. It allows you to easily set up flexible blogs and websites on...

Obmenu: The OpenBox Menu Editor

Obmenu is a menu editor designed for openbox. It's easy to use, allowing to get the most out of the powerful Openbox menu system,...

Rainbow Stream: A Terminal-based Twitter Client

Introduction Rainbow Stream is a terminal-based Twitter Client written using Python language. It is smart, nicely displayed and even can show images directly on terminal....

Setup Social Publishing CMS (Content Managemnet System) Using Pligg

Pligg is an open-source CMS social publishing software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect...

Useful Extensions for LibreOffice

LibreOffice is one of the popular office suite software like Open Office and is an excellent alternative to the expensive MS Office. Most of...