How to Leverage the Power of Predictive Analytics on Linux
Among the many impressive tools and applications of big data, predictive analytics stands apart as one of the most effective. By utilizing statistical models...
Test upcoming Bodhi Linux 3.1.0; Pre-Release is out now
Bodhi is a Ubuntu based Linux distribution, known for being lightweight and highly customizable. It comes with Moksha Desktop Environment and uses lightweight windows...
How Programming Homework Can Be Done Faster
Today we want to touch upon a critically important and relevant topic on which the success of everyone who needs to do programming homework...
Void Linux: A Review of a Fast and Lightweight Distro
Void Linux is a distro like none other. It is independently developed, meaning the entire operating system...
How VPNs Improve Linux Security
Linux, like Windows, iOS, and macOS, is an operating system. Android runs on the Linux operating system. The operating system, in its most basic...
How to Install REMnux 6 for Malware Analysis and its Prominent...
Remnux is a lightweight Ubuntu based Linux distribution, which is specifically developed to help reverse engineer and analyze malware. It contains a wide range...
Debian Based Linux distro AntiX 15 Release Candidate 1 is out...
First release of upcoming AntiX 15 has been made available for download this weekend. It is a debian based, lightweight Linux distro, designed primarily...
Gentoo-Based Sabayon Linux 15.08 is out now
Sabayon is a self configured Gentoo based operating system, which offers users with wide range of pre-installed applications. It utilizes rolling release model and...
5 Best Ways To Secure Your Linux System Distribution
There are many ways to secure your Linux system distribution. Today, cyber attacks and computer hacking can be prevented by bolstering security systems. By...
How Linux Can Help a College Student
Our article is about how Linux can help a student or any user who wants to get started in this world. Hopefully, you will...
All You Should Know About Linux Hosting
It is a vital question for every blog owner of what web hosting to prefer. There are two main competitors for customers' attention Linux...
A List of NTFS for Mac Software: What It Is and...
New Technology File System (abbreviated to NTFS) is a widely used file system on Windows. By default, you have direct read-write access to NTFS-formatted...
Linux Antivirus: Security in Open-Source OS
While Linux systems are generally considered more secure than their Windows counterparts, they...
How to Install Manjaro Linux 0.8.13 – Introduces Tweaked Xfce 4.12...
Manjaro Linux is a well known Arch Linux based operating system, it is popular due to its simplicity, ease of use and support for...