
PeerGuardian: A Privacy Oriented Firewall

PeerGuardian is a privacy oriented firewall application. It blocks connections to and from hosts specified in huge blocklists (thousands or millions of IP ranges)....

How To Avoid Data Surveillance Programs

Probably you've heard about the NSA surveillance program PRISM, XKeyscore and the GCHQ's Tempora. If you did not, you should start looking up for...

Linux Trojan Stealing Bank Data From Linux Users

We love linux and one of the reason why we love it is the high security it offers. Shopping in a linux box is...

Why Do I Need a Firewall?

Unix/Linux is well known for its security and nobody doubts that. But why not work to make your machine even more secure. Securing your...

Pf vs iptables, Untangle, Pfsense – Why not both?

My name is Jacob Graham and I am a Junior Systems Administrator in Victoria, Canada. This will be my first writing for Unixmen and...

Introduction to SSH

Introduction What is SSH? Why use SSH? SSH is a network protocol similar to telnet or FTP, yet slightly different because it offers secure data communication....

ufw Firewall Usage on Ubuntu

There's an important piece of software sitting on your computer that you are probably completely unaware that it's even there. Or you simply take...

Sandboxed Gentoo

Introduction This article is a guide on installing Gentoo in another Linux distribution (Arch, in this case). Look at it like a BSD Jail. It's...

SSLH: A SSL/SSH Multiplexer for Linux

What is sslh? sslh accepts connections in HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, XMPP, or any other protocol that can be tested using a regular expression,...

How to Secure Your Home Network with OpenDNS

OpenDNS is a free DNS alternative to your ISP DNS. It helps you to get faster and as well as safer browsing at absolutely...

Deadly Linux Commands

In every society there is always the good and the bad. The bad are working day in day out to harm the works of...

Larry Page, “Dear Google Users”

Internet media has reported that the NSA, the secretive United States Government Organization, has direct access to servers of some of the biggest web...

Protect Your Online Privacy with Tor Browser

Tor (The Onion Router) browser makes things more difficult to trace our Internet activities. Using Tor, we can keep our identity more secure around...

How Secure is Your Password? Create a Strong Password and Sleep...

Our on-line content, bank accounts, shopping accounts and social network accounts are as safe as our passwords are. Most people don't  consider password security...

A Secure Password

The minimum you can do to protect yourself is to avoid weak passwords. In most cases people do not know what weak passwords are...

Lightweight Portable Security (LPS)-A Linux distro from the US Department of...

Lightweight Portable Security (LPS), created by USA's Department of Defence, is a small Linux live CD focusing on privacy and security, for  this reason,...

OIN-A patent pool to protect Linux users from lawsuits

OIN or the Open Invention Network is an industry-supporting independent group consisting of Linux users in a royalty-free environment and be protected from lawsuits...

How to use your cam as a Security video camera with...

ZoneMinder is intended for use in single or multi-camera video security applications, including commercial or home CCTV, theft prevention and child or family member...