How to use jpscp to play PSP games on linux |...
PSP, short for ‘The Playstation Portable’ is a portable game console developed by the multimedia giant Sony. Various ports of popular PC games and...
Humble Indie Bundle 12 Brings 10 Linux Games
Humble Indie Bundle 12 brings 10 new games for Linux, giving the Linux gamer the opportunity to experience new things at a reasonable price....
Sweet Games on 15 min for Linux
If you are in the mood for space adventure, then here...
Installing TS3 musicbot on Arch Linux
Installing TS3 musicbot on Arch Linux - SINUSBOT
The voice communication is one of the most important thing during social activities. Gamers very often use...
Tools for Linux Users to Not Miss Out On
Linux is the least popular “mainstream” operating system. Unlike its main competitors, Linux is free and open source, which is perfect for various circumstances....
Humble Indie Bundle 9, Pay What You Want For Six Great...
It is amazing how Humble Bundle lets you put the price tag for the games you purchase. Pay what you want is their philosophy....
Effective Tips To Improve Linux Environment
Many people have used the Windows environment for several years and before they migrate to Linux, they feel like they are in a different...
Linux or Windows for eCommerce?
An operating system is the most important component for eCommerce success. The software manages the system’s memory, hardware, all software, and processes. When setting...
0 A.D. Alpha 10 Jhelum has been released
0 A.D., the free and open-source ancient warfare real time strategy game, has just released it's tenth Alpha which comes with many new features...
Nuclear Throne Game Now Supports The Linux Platform
Many game companies are releasing a linux version of their games nowadays, Vlambeer is doing the same thing with its Nuclear Throne indie game.
Realistic FPS Receiver is coming to Linux!
As one of Wolfire games developer/designer admitted today in the IRC, Receiver is about to come to Linux soon! The game uses the Unity...
Linux in Education and the Automated space
Linux is a family of operating systems (OS) based on the kernel of the same name. There is no single Linux operating system like...
How to Leverage the Power of Predictive Analytics on Linux
Among the many impressive tools and applications of big data, predictive analytics stands apart as one of the most effective. By utilizing statistical models...
Wildfire Games Launches 0 A.D. Alpha version 5
Players of the cross-platform, open source, real-time strategy game, '0 A.D.' can look forward to a whole range of new features, as the...
Top 10 Benefits of Linux for App Development
Linux appeared in 1991 and remained one of the top systems for developing practical solutions. It is one of the best-loved bases for app...
Linux Commands Every Sysadmin Must Know
If you are a system administrator, then Linux commands are what you use everywhere, you know what they are for and how to use...
FlightGear 2.6.0 has been released!| flight simulator
The FlightGear 2.6.0 has been released. The new released version contain a number of new features, improvements and bugfixes. according to the announcement, "the...
Is Steam coming to Linux ?
Valve Corporation, the developer of Steam looks all set to bring to the Linux platform, believe indie game players and developers. While there are...