TORCS 1.3.2 has been released, the new release comes with a lots of improvements and bug fixes, the most important changes are : Cars got nicer wheels, a menu music is now available, a new cars.
About TORCS:
TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator is a highly portable multi platform car racing simulation. It is used as ordinary car racing game, as AI racing game and as research platform. It runs on Linux (x86, AMD64 and PPC), FreeBSD, MacOSX and Windows.
- 3D Car racing simulation for gamers, researchers, engineers and teachers
- Many tracks, opponents and cars available
- Sophisticated physical model
- Supports all input devices (steering wheels, joystick, game pads, …)
- Lots of community content/add-on software available
- Easy to modify (proven in many scientific/industrial research projects based on TORCS)
- Easy to add/create content
- Modular architecture
- Excellent performance and stability
Installation of TORCS 1.3.2 in Linux (Via TORCS website):
- Check the dependencies
- Download the source package torcs-1.3.2.tar.bz2.
- Unpack the package with “tar xfvj torcs-1.3.1.tar.bz2”.ia TORC
- Run the following commands:
$ cd torcs-1.3.2 $ ./configure # --prefix="target dir", --enable-debug or --disable-xrandr might be of interest $ make $ make install $ make datainstall
Default installation directories:
/usr/local/bin – TORCS command (directory should be in your PATH)
/usr/local/lib/torcs – TORCS dynamic libs (directory MUST be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you don’t use the torcs shell)
/usr/local/share/games/torcs – TORCS data files
Run the “torcs” command (default location is /usr/local/bin/torcs), you can use those command line options.
All the configuration data, race results and players options will be saved below the $HOME/.torcs directory.
If you want to install a previous version of TORCS under Ubuntu and LinuxMint, you can do that via software center or by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install torcs