
all about unix systems (Hpux/IRIX/Solaris/BSD

How to Compile and Install a Linux Software from Source Code

Most often we do install software from the terminal by the help of  apt-get, rpm, yum, Ubuntu Software Center (GUI) and other forms on...

Block SSH Brute Force Attacks Using SSHGuard

SSHGuard is a fast and lightweight monitoring tool written in C language. It monitors and protects servers  from brute force attacks using their logging...

Ken Thompson UNIX systems father

Kenneth Thompson, or as they call him "Ken", the creator of UNIX and co-inventor of the "C" language. He was born in February 1943,...

Linux vs Unix – How is UNIX different from Linux

Linux and Unix are two terminologies that are interchangeably used to refer to the same Operating system. This is largely due...

Scrot: A Command-Line Screenshot Tool

There are a lot ways to take screenshot in Linux. scrot is a very useful command-line tool for taking screenshots. scrot is pre-installed in most...

Install Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Rocket.Chat is a messaging system for team communication, like Slack. It has various features, including: Video conferences Help desk chat File sharing Voice messages ...

FreeBSD CURL troubleshooting with POST/GET/PUT/DELETE methods and json files

Our goals is troubleshooting of GET and POST methods with CURL. We already configured two servers: frfs.unixmen.com (We are sending CURL requests from this...

ClusterSSH: Manage Multiple SSH Sessions on Linux

ClusterSSH is a Cluster administration tool via SSH. It is used to control number of xterm windows via a single graphical console window to allow commands...

Install LAMP (Apache, MySQL And PHP) On Debian 7 ‘Wheezy’

LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP Server,...

Apache22 Won’t Start in FreeBSD 9

Sometimes you may get issues to start Apache on FreeBSD, in my case FreeBSD 9.1. How to solve this? # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 start Performing sanity check on apache22...

What Is Fork Bomb And How Can You Prevent This Danger?

If you are not thrilled with the real bomb, you can try typing this  :(){ :|:& };:  on your Linux terminal to crash your computer. you...

Determine Your Specifications from Command-Line

We recently published article about how to determine your computer's architecture via GUI. Today am going to show how to do the same thing...

Secure File from Removal in Linux and Unix

Protecting files from unwanted deletion is very important security on the tasklist of Unix Administrators. On Linux boxes you can use the chattr command and...

Five Examples Of The ping Utility

What is ping Utility? Before going through some real world examples of the ping utility, let me explain what this commandline tool is and its...

Container: Docker Compose on Ubuntu 16.04

What is Docker Compose Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container Docker applications. To configure an application’s services with Compose we use a configuration...

Useful Commands for Linux Users – Episode 5

The Command-line is more powerful because you can do lots with them. Yyou can tell your computer exactly what you want and get the...

Decentralized Communication with Matrix on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction to Decentralized Communication Matrix is an open standard for real-time, interoperable and decentralized communication over IP, used to power VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication, Instant...

Chroot Jail

This article was written with an intention to help Linux users in understanding the Chroot Jail feature and setup one themselves, for experimenting. Imprisoning users...