
all about unix systems (Hpux/IRIX/Solaris/BSD

Full Monitoring System: Installing Graphite, collectd and StatsD – Part 1

Introduction Collecting data (stats about servers, applications, daily site traffic, etc) is the first step when troubleshooting site issues, looking to implement performance improvements or...

Scrot: A Command-Line Screenshot Tool

There are a lot ways to take screenshot in Linux. scrot is a very useful command-line tool for taking screenshots. scrot is pre-installed in most...

Install GlusterFS Server And Client On CentOS 7

GlusterFS aggregates various storage servers over Ethernet or Infiniband RDMA interconnect into one large parallel network file system. It is free software, with some parts licensed under the GNU General...

How to Compile and Install a Linux Software from Source Code

Most often we do install software from the terminal by the help of  apt-get, rpm, yum, Ubuntu Software Center (GUI) and other forms on...

Install office comminucator in Pidgin

Even after  installing  pidgin-sip the  office comminicator  wont  to connect and  still giving this error: READ  ERROR how to   solve  this ?   sudo apt-get install pidgin-sipe make  this ...

Howto- Install Webmin in FreeBSD

Question: How to install Webmin in FreeBSD 8.x en 9.x ? Answer:  Before to begin, you need to install Perl,  do that using the command #...

Write a TCP Server in Python. Introduction with Sockets – Part...

It is late and I decided to code a simple TCP server in pure Python. But...

How to install Cerb with Apache as web server on CentOS...

Introduction Cerb is a workflow and email automation system, excellent for large teams. Cerb is written in PHP and uses either MySQL or MariaDB as a...

Secure File from Removal in Linux and Unix

Protecting files from unwanted deletion is very important security on the tasklist of Unix Administrators. On Linux boxes you can use the chattr command and...

FreeBSD 10.1 x64 WiFi Captive Portal

Our goal is to build a FreeBSD server Captive Portal as it is in hotels and airports. Guest joins to wifi without entering a...

WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy

Introduction WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 (or later). In most...

Install OTRS on Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache

Introduction OTRS (Open-Source Ticket Request System) is a web-based ticketing system, widely used by businesses for services like customer support, help desks and call centres....

Let’s Encrypt: Secure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Why HTTPS? Starting with Chrome 56, the browser developed by Google marks non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in...

Control Tool: How To Install Webmin on CentOS 7

Introduction - A Web Based Control Tool Webmin is a web control tool for UNIX (and other similar systems) which simplifies the management process. Normally, configuration...

TaskBoard: Kanban-based Software on CentOS 7

Introduction TaskBoard is a free and open source software, inspired by the Kanban board, for keeping track of things that need to be done. Kanban is...

Setup the Raspberry Pi as a NAS

The Raspberry Pi is a great device with many possibilities and one such great use is as a NAS server for your LAN. The Raspberry...

Getting One Time Password for FreeBSD using OPIE

Introduction Secure Shell, or SSH, is a cryptographic (encrypted) network protocol for initiating text-based shell sessions on remote machines in a secure way. This allows a user...

How to install WordPress with Nginx, HHVM and MariaDB on Ubuntu...

Introduction If you've never heard about HHVM, it's an open-source Virtual Machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. For performance reasons, it uses...