
Proprietary Browser vs. Open Source Browser [Market Share Analysis]

With time open source software have emerged as potential contenders to proprietary software. Unlike the traditional understanding, open source software have proven to be...

Linux share in Supercomputer OS

Linux accounts for as much as 94.2% share as Supercomputer OS! This might come to you as a pleasant surprise, but indeed, Linux outshines...

How to Customize Unity

Unity is a shell interface for the GNOME desktop environment developed by Canonical for its Ubuntu operating system. It is designed to make more...

Android applications to Save your Money

I love going through apps in the Play store and this is why I usually come up with cool apps that belong to different...

Good to know: Freeware is not Free Software

You will be interested to note that; you can purchase a Free software! That is to say Free Software may not be free and...

Browsers Growth Analysis 2010-2012 [Infograph]

Gradually our computing trends are changing in favor of cloud. Today we tend to do most of our works in the cloud via our...

SolusOS Eveline 1.2 Review

After recently installing the Debian based edition of Linux Mint operating system on my home office desktop, I decided to take a look at...

PCMan – an alternative file manager

It's true that Linux desktop allows you to customize it, change background, themes fonts & icons, add widgets and effects etc... But the most...

Enterprise Desktop for the Home Office

For the home office, I’ve been searching for a new stable enterprise class operating system to replace my current desktop. I thought it might...

Emmabuntus 2.1.01 Review

Today we review a fresh Linux distribution from France called Emmabuntüs. Their first major release of Emmabuntüs 2 1.01 is based on Xubuntu12.04. This distro was...

Zorin OS 6 Review

One of the best features of Linux is no doubt the fact that it’s free. Not just free to use, but free to use...

Would Microsoft Surface be able to keep up with Android Tablets?

The technology Giant Microsoft has ventured in the tablet making business following the foot steps of Google and Apple. The tablet Surface is obviously...

Chrome vs. Firefox for Ubuntu

According to the independent web analytics firm, StatCounter Chrome has excelled as the world most popular browser  with the highest browser usage share for...

Browser war heats up again as Chrome unseats IE for May...

Independent web analytics firm,StatCounter, confirms that Google web browser Chrome has finally unseated Microsofts Internet Explorer and acquired the status of most popular browser...

The Text-based Web Browser: The Alternative

We live in a flashy world when it comes to the world-wide-web. With most websites carrying a lot of flashy graphics, banners and advertisements....

Botanicula | Friday Game

A new Humble Indie Bundle is out and this time it is quite adventurous! The games included are the well known from the past Machinarium and Samorost 2, plus...

Banshee vs Clementine vs Tomahawk | Reviews

Computers have always been used as music playing devices. Big collections with thousand of songs coming from hundreds of different artists are easily organized...

Pebble. The smartwatch with Linux at its heart!

Do you think the wrist watch era is over and soon the wrist watches will be doomed to the graveyard of floppy disks, cassettes,...