
ffDiaporama 1.3 has been released!

ffDiaporama 1.3 has been released, this awesome application allow you to create a video sequences consisting of titles (fixed or animated),   images or photos( fixed...

LibreOffice 3.5.4 comes with significant performance improvements | PPA

Announced today the release of LibreOffice 3.5.4, according to the announcement," this release  offers significant performance improvements over the previous versions of the product,...

Kaspersky antivirus use Linux to rescue Windows

Windows doesn't live up to its mainstream usage requirements, especially in the security sector that Microsoft offers few and obsolete tools with which you...

Wine 1.5.5 released!

Wine is a free and open source application that allows users to run Windows software on other operating systems. Wine is always under heavy...

What’s that sound? Linux Audio Players

Sound is one of those portions of the Linux operating system that is often unappreciated and not even given a second thought. When examined...

OpenOffice – A House of Sand

"When Apache foundation released OpenOffice 3.4, many people wondered what is the point of OpenOffice existence, and what is, or what should be the...

VirtualBox 4.1.16 has been released!

VirtualBox 4.1.16 has been released!, this is a maintenance release that comes to fix several bugs. Install VirtualBox 4.1.16 Open terminal and enter the following command: . . . sudo...

Nmap reaches version 6

Nmap, the widely used free and opensource utility for network discovering and security auditing, has released version 6.00 today bringing major improvements in all...

Pulse Audio 2.0 is here!

Pulse Audio is an advanced network sound server. To put it simply, Pulse Audio is a background process designed to accept sound input from...

htop- A colored alternative to top command

htop, an interactive process viewer for Linux, it is a good alternative to top command. When you run htop, it will show you your...

Apache OpenOffice 3.4 released!

After having to fight with strange corporate tides, controversial management strategies and finally the danger of completely dying, OpenOffice was "donated" to the Apache...

Oracle Vs Google: The issue of copyrighting ideas

The issue of Oracle challenging Google on the use of Java APIs may, on the surface, appear to be a case of IT corporate establishing themselves...

Gimp 2.8 is out! | PPA Ubuntu

Gimp is one of the most important tools we Linux users have in our hands being a powerful application that covers the specialized needs...

The Text-based Web Browser: The Alternative

We live in a flashy world when it comes to the world-wide-web. With most websites carrying a lot of flashy graphics, banners and advertisements....

Blender 2.63 has been released! PPA Ubuntu

Blender 2.63 has been released, The 2.6x series is being targeted at including all work that happened in branches or patches past years. According...

GNOME's Application Menu. Smart or Dummy?

First off, Application Menu has not any similarity with Unity’s Global Menus. While Global Menus copy the Window App Menu from the usual spot...

Banshee vs Clementine vs Tomahawk | Reviews

Computers have always been used as music playing devices. Big collections with thousand of songs coming from hundreds of different artists are easily organized...

Cairo-Dock 3.0 has been released!

Cairo-Dock 3.0 has been released, the new version comes with many new features and improvements, so the taskbar has been greatly enhanced, the Log...