Linux HowTo's

Intellectual Property Rights and Linux Development

As we delve into the realm of Linux development, understanding Intellectual Property (IP) Rights becomes critical. Navigating this maze can ensure a fair, respectful,...

Install PHPDocumentor 2 On Ubuntu 15.04 And Generate Documentations Directly From...

phpDocumentor 2  is a free tool that lets you generate documentations from within your PHP code, in this way your customers are more aware...

A Closer Look at Remote Peering: Technologies and Techniques

In the realm of digital communication, the significance of efficient internet traffic exchange has escalated with the...

Linux QR Codes: A Practical Guide for Dynamic Generation

Ever wondered how to create dynamic QR codes on your Linux system? Look no further! Unixmen offers...

Install latest SuiteCRM 7.2.2 On Ubuntu Linux 15.04

SuiteCRM is the modified form of well known SugarCRM application. The professional versions of SugarCRM are paid while SuiteCRM provides similar features free of...

10 Things To Do After Fresh Installation Of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS...

Hello, hope you doing well, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has been just out and once you have installed a brand new Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus...

Install and Configure KVM (Kernel Based Virtual Machine) On Ubuntu Linux...

KVM (Kernel Based Virtual Machine) is a free virtualization tool which lets you create virtual machines on your host operating system. It works on...

How to Install and Run CouchDB in Ubuntu Linux 15.04

CouchDB is now an Apache project, it is known to be a user friendly and lightweight Data Base Management System. It uses JSON to...

How to Install Steam Gaming Client In Ubuntu 15.04

Introduction to Steam Steam is a well know gaming tool which was originally developed for Microsoft Windows operating system and Linux users have been using...

Linux Commands Every Sysadmin Must Know

If you are a system administrator, then Linux commands are what you use everywhere, you know what they are for and how to use...

Linux Server Provisioning Using StackI

Server provisioning is a set of actions to prepare a server, taking it from bare metal to a functioning system complete with an operating...

Encrypt/Decrypt Your Files From Command Line Using Ccrypt On Ubuntu

Ccrypt is command line tool for encryption and decryption of  your important data, it is extremely lightweight tool, the installation and use of this...

Cyber-Attacks on Industrial Infrastructure are Intensifying

Cybercriminals are now attacking the whole world in a very different way. In the past, they were just limited to the normal power users...

How to Secure File Uploads on Linux Servers

File uploads are a common feature in many web applications, but they also introduce significant security risks...

How to backup Docker container and upload it to Docker Hub

Understanding Dockers Docker is an emerging technology; it lets you automate the deployment of your applications within container environment. It is highly efficient to run...

The Best VPN GUI For Linux

Setting up a VPN on Linux used to involve the terminal, Stack Overflow and a computer science degree. Nowadays, the process is a lot...

Tighten the Security of Linux Servers

What is Linux? The simple and straightforward meaning of Linux is the operating system used to build a connection between the software resources and the...

Install Ember and Phantom.js on Ubuntu Linux 15.04

Introduction to Ember and phantomjs Ember.js is an open source Java Script platform and is used to generate modern day single page applications. Although, originally...