Linux HowTo's

How to use the bc command in Linux for Arithmetic Calculations?

The bc command stands for Basic Calculator in Linux. We use the bc command as a command-line calculator. The bc command offers the capabilities...

Linux in education: operating systems for learning and teaching

Nowadays, programming contributes a lot to education to make learning more exciting and easier. We are not only talking about creating many programs like...

How To Use The xxd Hex Dumper Utility In Linux

On most Unix-like operating systems, the xxd command helps users read a file as its hexadecimal values. The ASCII representation of the files is...

How Does Linux Protect Its Users’ Privacy Online?

Internet users are more aware than ever before about the value of their data and how many companies want to collect and use it....

7 Linux Software Trends To Watch In 2023-2024

The stability of Linux is one of the main advantages. The system is known for its reliability and durability, compared to some other operating...

Future of DevOps: Top 6 DevOps Trends in 2024 & Beyond

In recent years, DevOps has emerged as one of the most used software development technology.It is the...

The Linux Command Line: A Tale of Two Tools – apt...

apt vs apt get Regardless of your preferred Linux distribution, package management is an important function for every...

Tips to Enhance Linux Security

In recent years, the usage of linux operating systems has increased a bit. Though, not at that impressive rate, there have been more users...

Linux or Windows for eCommerce?

An operating system is the most important component for eCommerce success. The software manages the system’s memory, hardware, all software, and processes. When setting...

The Dig Command: An Introduction to Linux Digging

The Domain Information Groper command, or "dig" for short, collects data about Domain Nameservers and enables troubleshooting DNS problems.  It's popular mainly because it is...

Fast And Easy Explanation of sudo apt update Command

The sudo apt update command is one of the first commands a Linux newbie learns to use. The command instructs a Linux machine to...

What does a job as a remote Linux administrator entail: how...

Remote Linux Administrator Jobs: Balancing Flexibility and Technical Excellence Information technology professionals can choose any field they like. In particular, the profession of remote Linux...

Linux vs. Mac vs. Windows OS Guide

Linux, Windows, and MacOS are the three most prominent operating systems (OS) in the digital world, each...

Distrobox: Manage Your Linux Distros Like a Pro

Introduction Are you are a Linux user with multiple distributions but hates the hassle...

Which is the Best Linux Distros for Students?

Schools have resumed with students returning with renewed determination and competitive spirit to the classrooms. So did research essay writing service platforms. They are waiting for...

How Linux Has Changed The Business Landscape & what The Future...

An operating system is a software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with our devices. It is the bridge of communication between...

5 Tips for an Effective Cyber Security Strategy for Your Business

Cyber attacks have drastically advanced, with criminals using more sophisticated tools to steal and misuse company data. This has increased ransomware, phishing attempts, DoS...

Reading & Parsing JSON Data with Python: A Simple Tutorial

JavaScript Object Notation is a standard format mostly used by APIs and websites to store data objects using text. In simple words, JSON supports...