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Managing Software Packages with yum in RHEL7/CENTOS7

The default utility used to manage software packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CENTOS is yum, which stands for Yellowdog update manager. Yum...

Step by Step Procedure of Installing Cassandra

Cassandra or Apache Cassandra is a distributed database system which manages large amounts of structured data across different commodity servers by providing highly available...

Digital Receiver in Ubuntu (Part 1)

Some people have Digital Receivers for watching videos on their TVs and wanna use Receivers for having channels on GnuLinux, in this post we'll...

Manjaro Deepin 16.03 is beautiful Arch Linux

The Manjaro community is proud to announce a new stable release of the Deepin Edition. While the exciting modern China based project Deepin is still...

IDE For Python Programming

Programmers need some tools to writing application and scripts with them, one of the most important tool for programming is a good IDE (integrated...

Reset Your Forgotten Root Password On RHEL 7

Sometimes you forget stuff like meetings, seminars,passwords etc. I do. But forgetting a password to a Servers with no easy way to reset it...

Apache HTTP Secure Server Configuration for CentOS 7

Securing the Apache server is one of the most important tasks of the webmaster. In this example, we will show you in this Apache...

GitLab install/configure and integrate with Domain Controller

Ubuntu 14.04 x64 GITLab installation and configuration Our goals is install and configure the GitLab server in Ubuntu 14.04 x64 for source code placing and...

Automated Linux Apache MySQL PHP or Nginx PHP-FPM MYSQL installation and...

This is auto-installer for automatically install and configure apache or nginx with MySQL and PHP. On install time Apache or nGinx script will ask...

Journey To Ubuntu Phone Planet

These days iOS and Android rule the world of transportable devices OS, but is there anything to match with them? is there any OS...

Essay on Haoop Part -I

Unixmen is continuously trying to improve the type of knowledgebase provided, in this effort we are trying to initiate some big stories of selective...

How Can We Use Operators In Linux and Unix CLI?

A token that performs a control function. It is a newline or one of the following: Ampersand ( & )  When a line ends with ampersand...

How to install Chamilo with CentOS 7

Introduction Chamilo is a  software which is used for virtual/online trainings or Learning Management System. Chamilo is absolutely free and comes under GPL License, with...

Install lamp with PHP7 on Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a simple, fast, powerfull distrobution and it always provides the last version of kernel and softwares so if you wanna have...

How to configure CacheGurard web gateway

About CacheGuard CacheGuard is an dedicated Gateway application OS along with web based management system. It protects users along with web applications, it is open...

Install Textpattern CMS with CentOS 7

Introduction Textpatter is and CMS or content management systems which is open source and free, it is enriched with a full range of features which...

Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu 15.10

Introduction Jekyll is a site generator which is useful to generate static and simple website for personal, project or organizational purpose. It is like some...

Install Apache OpenMeetings On CentOS 6.5

Introduction Apache OpenMeetings is an open source software used for online training, web conferencing, collaborative white board drawing and documents editing.This software is based on a...