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How Threat Intelligence Reduces Cybercrime

Companies that perform most of their operations online risk being attacked by cybercriminals trying to steal their...

How Linux Users Can Protect Their Business

If your business uses Linux as an operating system, it is important that you know the best ways to protect your operations. Cybercrime is...

Unlocking the Power of Linux for Everyday Users

Sometimes, in the bustling digital world we navigate daily, we get lost in the latest gadgets, the flashiest interfaces, or the brand...

Why Use A Linux Operating System?

In this article, we'll provide some insight into why you should consider using Linux as your operating system. We'll discuss the reasons behind...

Speed Up WordPress Using Redis And Varnish On Ubuntu

WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) used on the internet today. While many people use it because it is powerful and...

Stellar Repair for MySQL: Linux Version Review

  MySQL is one of the most widely used database technologies for storing business- and organization-critical data. While MySQL is reliable, computers have the tendency...

8 Ways to Make Gold in Lost Ark

One of the most annoying things about Lost Ark is that players are likely swimming in silver by the time they’ve reached tier one...

Linux Shell Scripting part-2: Message Displaying, User Variables and Environment Variables

In our last post on Shell Scripting, Starting with Linux Shell Scripting you have seen how to start with shell scripts. Shell scripts may or...

How To Use NGINX Proxy Manager: A Beginner’s Guide

NGINX is an open-source web server software with reverse proxy functionalities that allow you to redirect traffic to another server. It boasts great features...

All You Should Know About Linux Hosting

It is a vital question for every blog owner of what web hosting to prefer. There are two main competitors for customers' attention Linux...

Elementor Website Design Templates: Jumpstart Your Creative Process

Do you want the Elementor website design templates? Which things should you notice in the website designer...

Optimizing Web Performance with Linux: Tools and Techniques

Providing fast, well-performing websites is absolutely essential these days. A slow website means visitors will drop off sooner and leave, missing opportunities and leaving...

GitLab install/configure and integrate with Domain Controller

Ubuntu 14.04 x64 GITLab installation and configuration Our goals is install and configure the GitLab server in Ubuntu 14.04 x64 for source code placing and...

Red Hat is now a $2 Billion company

For those who believe open source does not pay you back and you cannot have a money-making business around Linux and open-source, here is...

How to deal with Linux-based malware?

Malware assaults continue to pose a severe threat to our personal and professional life as the globe grows more and more reliant on technology....

Journey To Ubuntu Phone Planet

These days iOS and Android rule the world of transportable devices OS, but is there anything to match with them? is there any OS...

How to Protect Your Linux Server Using IPTABLES

Unfortunately, there are many instances of server hacking. Due to this fact, utilizing a firewall is essential to enhance network security. You can increase...

Linux in the Clouds: How Linux is Shaping the Next-Gen Hosting...

The cloud is certainly no longer a newcomer in the tech world. Nevertheless, have you ever wondered...