Frequently Asked Questions

How To Configure FreeIPA server On CentOS 7

FreeIPA stands for Free Identity Policy Audit. FreeIPA is a solution for managing users, groups, hosts, services, and much, much more. It uses open source solutions with some Python glue...

Fix Firefox Not Displaying Webpage Characters ‘Icons’ Properly

Mozilla Firefox is one of the common browsers that almost everyone on the web knows about. Here is a problem I have to help...

Linux Troubleshooting: How To Fix ‘lsb_release’ Command Not Found In CentOS?

Recently, I came through an error called "You must install lsb_release binary before launching this install script." while testing "Shinken" network monitoring tool. After...

Linux Basics: How To Use The ‘free’ Command In Linux

We have covered many useful linux utilities in our website and this time I will explain to you guys how to check the total amount...

How To Install VNC Server On CentOS 7

Vncserver is a remote display daemon that allows users several remote functionalities including: Virtual (headless) and fully parallel X sessions that run in the background...

How To Install Websvn In CentOS 7

WebSVN offers a view onto your subversion repositories that's been designed to reflect the Subversion methodology. You can view the log of any file...

Install RepoForge (RPMForge) Repository On RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux 7/6.x/5.x/4.x

Like EPEL, REMI, RPM Fusion repositories, RepoForge, formerly known as RPMForge, is a third party repository that has collection of over 5000 software packages...

How To Setup MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0 On CentOS

MariaDB is a relational database management system (RDBMS) and  MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB. It is available on Linux only, and...

How To Drop Database In Oracle 11 Without Using DBCA

In this small tutorial, I want to show you how to drop the database without using the GUI tool DBCA 1- Export database SID if...

How To Delete Oracle 11g Database Manually ?

How to delete Oracle 11g database manually? The following steps shows how to manually delete a database within Oracle 11g, running in an Linux environment. I have...

How To Install Apache Ant, Maven And Tomcat On CentOS 7/6.5

In this tutorial, let me show you how to install Apache siblings such as Ant, Maven, and Tomcat on CentOS 7 and 6.5 server....

Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS7

In this tutorial, we will show you how to Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS 7 OS information: # cat   /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) Network: # ip...

Install Graphite In CentOS 7

Graphite is a highly scalable real-time graphing system. As a user, you write an application that collects numeric time-series data that you are interested...

How To Fix Double Google Chrome Icon In Plank

Having two Google Chrome icons in Plank is mostly as a result of installing Google Chrome by downloading the .DEB file form Google's website...

[QUICK TIP] Fix VLC Player Opening in New Windows

Hi Guys, VLC Player as we all know it, is a very good player that rocks our multimedia files for us anytime anywhere, be it...

How To Add An Up Button To Elementary OS Window

The windows manager in Elementary OS is called Pantheon-files. By default, it does include an Up button as seen in some other Linux distributions. Below is...

IPFire Fixes ShellShock Bug In Bash Shell

IPFire, the linux-based firewall distribution, has been updated with the intention of fixing the GNU Bash vulnerability, a very serious security bug that allows...

How To Install Vmware 10 On CentOS 7

I will give you my experience install of vmware 10.0.3 on centos 7. Normally it will not work with centos 7, because it's running...