How To Delete Oracle 11g Database Manually ?

How to delete Oracle 11g database manually?

The following steps shows how to manually delete a database within Oracle 11g, running in an Linux environment.

I have Centos 6 system with Oralce 11G installed.

Use SQL*Plus or your favorite SQL command line tool to log in to the target database; log in as sysdba

Type the following commands to get the path to various files:

select name from v$datafile;
select member from v$logfile;
select name from v$controlfile;
select name from v$tempfile;

Shut down the database within SQL*Plus, and then exit out of SQL*Plus

sqlplus  " / as sysdba'
shutdown immediate;

Stop the listener service by issuing the following command in the terminal prompt:

From Oralce Linux account do:

lsnrctl stop

Recall the file paths found earlier; use them as a check list as you delete each one of those files. Reminder: did you back up your database yet? When ready, go ahead delete your data files, redo log files, control files, and temp files.

  1. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory and delete the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files;
  2. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory and delete the init[db_name].ora, orapw[db_name], and spfile[db_name].ora files;
  3. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/[db_name]/pfile directory and delete the init[db_name].ora file;
  4. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/[db_name]/adump directory and delete all files in that directory;
  5. Edit the file /etc/oratab by removing the line that starts with your database name.

