
How To Setup Apache Hadoop On CentOS

The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple...

Install RepoForge (RPMForge) Repository On RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux 7/6.x/5.x/4.x

Like EPEL, REMI, RPM Fusion repositories, RepoForge, formerly known as RPMForge, is a third party repository that has collection of over 5000 software packages...

Install Pandora FMS Server On CentOS 7

Pandora FMS (Stands for Pandora Flexible Monitoring System) is software solution for monitoring computer networks. Pandora FMS allows monitoring in a visual way the...

Install CentOS/RHEL/Scientifc Linux 6.5 In Text Mode

As you may know already, RHEL and its cloning distributions like CentOS and Scientific Linux supports both Text based (Command mode) and GUI (Graphical)...

The best Linux distributions for 2022

The year 2022 is upon us! That means it's time to choose a new Linux distribution. Here's a list of the best Linux distributions...

Configuring A High Availability Apache Cluster With Pacemaker On CentOS 7

Hello everyone. Today we will learn how we can setup & configure Pacemaker on two CentOS 7 Linux servers for high availability purposes. I will stuck with...

Why Use A Linux Operating System?

In this article, we'll provide some insight into why you should consider using Linux as your operating system. We'll discuss the reasons behind...

How to Convert RHEL 6.x to Centos 6.x

Question : How to Convert your RHEL 6.x to Centos 6.x ? Answer : If you are using RHEL 6.x and you want to move...

Top 5 Programming Languages for Developing Linux Desktop Applications

The IT industry is the quickest developing industry. It is befuddling to choose the one appropriate and useful choice as it has bunches of...

How Learning Linux Will Improve Your Software Testing

Not a single piece of work can be submitted without a thorough revision. Any product area is impossible to survive without a quality check...

Everything you should know about RHCSA Certification

Things you should know about RHCSA Certification Exam RHCSA or Red Hat Certified System administration exam is designed to test your knowledge and skills which...

Setup Your Own Email Newsletter Manager Using phpList On CentOS 6.5

phpList is an open source, world's popular, and more comprehensive newsletter campaign manager. Using phpList, you can send any no of mails to your...

Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS7

In this tutorial, we will show you how to Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS 7 OS information: # cat   /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) Network: # ip...

Install TWiki Collaboration Platform On CentOS 6.5

Introduction TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based enterprise collaboration platform. It can be used to run a project development space, a document...

Install Moodle Learning Managment System on CentOS 6

Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a...

How to configure DRBD On CentOS 6.5

Introduction The Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) is a distributed replicated storage system for the Linux platform. It is implemented as several userspace management applications...

Managing And Publishing Files Hosted In A Webserver With Mollify

Have you ever wanted a utility to manage and publish the files/folders hosted in your remote web servers easily and as well as more...

Install Oracle VirtualBox And Manage It Using phpVirtualBox On A CentOS...

We, all, know how to install Oracle VirtualBox on CentOS 6.x GUI based systems. But, what about on CentOS minimal server which is not...