
6 Best Ways to Improve Linux Security

The Linux OS has historically been regarded as more secure than Windows or macOS thanks to how it handles user permissions and because it’s...

Install Cherokee Web Server On CentOS 6.5/6.4

Cherokee is a high performance, lightweight, full-featured web server/Reverse proxy server. It is compatible with SSL, FastCGI, and all modern web application frameworks like NodeJS,...

Install GFS2 In CentOS 6.5

In computing, the Global File System 2 or GFS2 is a shared disk file system for Linux computer clusters. GFS2 differs from distributed file...

What Are the Best Programming Languages for Linux Devs?

If you are on the path to becoming a Linux developer, surely you will understand that computer science and programming are a core part...

All You Should Know About Linux Hosting

It is a vital question for every blog owner of what web hosting to prefer. There are two main competitors for customers' attention Linux...

Teemip – A Free and Open Source IP Managment Tool

Today we present to you a great tool that will help you to good manage the IP address. TeemIp is an Open Source web 2.0 application that...

How to install Oralce 11g R2 Database server on Centos...

Question: How  to install  Oralce 11g R2 Database server  on Centos 6.x? Answer: 1-Before to begin you have to  download  Some  dependencies yum -y install binutils compat-libstdc++-33...

Cloudera cluster with 6 nodes and 1 master(HDFS MapReduse)

The structure of Hadoop project This project includes the following subprojects: Common – distributed file systems and components and interfaces for common input output. MapReduce – distributed...

Install And Configure WordPress 4.0 “Benny” On CentOS 7

As you may know, WordPress is the most popular free and open source Content management system that can be used to create single or...

Install Zarafa On CentOS 6.5 – An Alternative To Microsoft Exchange...

Are you looking for a best alternative to Microsoft Exchange server? Then Zarafa is the one you should try. Zarafa, previously known as Connectux, ...

How to hire a cyber security developer to protect your business...

In today's digital age, cyber security is of the utmost importance for businesses of all sizes. However, finding and hiring a skilled cybersecurity software...

Install Apache OpenMeetings On CentOS 6.5

Introduction Apache OpenMeetings is an open source software used for online training, web conferencing, collaborative white board drawing and documents editing.This software is based on a...

Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS7

In this tutorial, we will show you how to Install Oracle Database 12c On CentOS 7 OS information: # cat   /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) Network: # ip...

Linux in education: operating systems for learning and teaching

Nowadays, programming contributes a lot to education to make learning more exciting and easier. We are not only talking about creating many programs like...

Best Linux Apps to Have in 2021

  Are you looking to improve your Linux experience by installing some more applications? If so, this article should give you a few ideas to...