Chrome 9 is released! Top 5 features in the new chrome...
Google finally released Google chrome 9 stable, 2 weeks later than it’s promised release-date. We have summarized top 5 must-try features in the new...
Open Source softwares have 90% software usage share in Poland for...
About 90% of public administrations use open source softwares particularly open source web browsers and ditto office applications in Poland; this was found in...
GhostBSD- Another freeBSD based system with Gnome desktop
Few days ago GhostBSD2.0 beta was released. This release comes with bug fixes and many improvements on the look, feel and the speed. Some...
Gimp Paint Studio(GPS)- A collection of brushes and accompanying tool presets...
GPS (Gimp Paint Studio) is a collection of brushes and accompanying tool presets. Tool presets are a simply saved tool options, highly useful feature...
install the last Mplayer in Ubuntu
MPlayer is a free and open source media player. The program is available for all major operating systems, including Linux and other Unix-like systems,...
gDesklets 0.36.3 (final) released
After 2 more than 2 years from Latest Release, finaly gDesklets is back, the news version comes to fix some known non critical bugs...
The Black Perl is back with a new release- Sabayon 5.5...
Sabayon Linux 5.5 is released, it is available for both GNOME and KDE editions . This new release features best AMD/ATI and NVIDIA Linux...
Firefox 4 beta 10 is out ! PPA Ubuntu
Mozilla released Firefox 4 Beta 10. According to a post in google Group, Firefox Beta11 is expected before the end of this month (Probably the... 3.3.0 Final is released!
Oracle 3.3 final is released, this release comes one day after the release of LibreOffice3.3. Openoffice3.3 features, New Custom Properties Handling, embedding of...
Install Amarok 2.4 ubuntu 10.10 | Fedora
Amarok2.4 was released last week, this release brings significant performance, usability, and stability improvements, Amarok now has the ability to write your...
LibreOffice3.3 Final is released! Installation for Ubuntu, LinuxMint, Debian and Fedora...
The Document Foundation launches today LibreOffice 3.3, this is the first stable of the free office suite developed by the community. According to the...
VLC 1.1.6 is released! PPA for ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat and...
VLC 1.1.6 is released, this new released comes with small features and fixing important bugs and a security issues.
What`s new in VLC1.1.6?
Security updates in...
GLX-Dock 2.3 beta is released! (Ex Cairo Dock)
GLX-Dock 2.3 beta is released, this new beta version of ex cairo dock comes with many new features, a System Monitor applet, a logout...
Wine 1.3.12 is released
Wine 1.3.12 is released, this development release comes with some improvements and bug fixes. Support for multiple icon sizes in winemenubuilder, improvements to the...
Radio Tray 0.6.3 comes with resume parameter, application indicator and user-agent...
Announced today the release of Radio Tray 0.6.2, this new version comes to fix some bugs and added some new features like the resume...
An awesome Mock-up for LibreOffice
This is a nice mock-up for LibreOffice by Pauloop, a deviantart user. This Mock-up is unofficial and was made in Inkscape / Gimp.GTK2 Theme:...
Xfce 4.8 comes with the ability to browse remote shares using
Finally Xfce 4.8 is released, this new release comes with many new features and improvements. Features like remote shares browsing, New file operations progress...
GNOME Commander – A nice file manager for the GNOME desktop
GNOME Commander is file manager aimed at people who want a fast and efficient file manager. GNOME Commander can currently perform most...