
Top 15 file compression utilities in Linux

A Brief introduction to file compression File compression is a routine task for most of the Administrators and normal users, to save disk space and...

GNOME Shell Essential Extensions

Despite the controversy over GNOME Shell and its productivity, there's no point pretending that it doesn't exist or hoping that GNOME Developers are spontaniously...

Openshot1.4.1 has been released!

Openshot1.4.1 has been released!, the new release comes with many new features and bug fix. Openshot1.4.1 comes with a New 3D animation (wireframe text), New Titles...

False Positives In Monitoring

False positives (as well as false negatives) are a recurrent issue in our experience in monitoring, and after a while we are pretty sure...

Recompile A FreeBSD Kernel With A Custom Configuration

Introduction FreeBSD is a free Unix-like operating system descended from Research Unix via the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). Although for legal reasons FreeBSD cannot use...

eStudio (Baseline) Code Preview

A couple of months ago, I got word of a project that an acquaintance of mine as working on. Information...

How To Secure WordPress Website

Introduction Millions of websites are powered by WordPress software and there’s a reason for that. WordPress is the most developer-friendly content management system out there,...

How Secure is Your Password? Create a Strong Password and Sleep...

Our on-line content, bank accounts, shopping accounts and social network accounts are as safe as our passwords are. Most people don't  consider password security...

Ubuntu 13.10 Wallpaper Contest Kicks Off

Hi geeks. Do you know about Ubuntu 13.10 wallpaper contest? This competition is open to everyone, so if you think you have the skills to...

How To Install NConf To Manage Nagios Core

About NConf NConf is a PHP based web-tool for configuring the Nagios monitoring software. It differs from similar tools by offering enterprise-class features like templates,...

UberStudent, A Linux Distribution For Learners

UberStudent is a free linux distribution developd by students with students in mind. It is intended to be a Linux for learners, linux newbies,...

Rhythmbox 2.95 has been released!

Rhythmbox 2.95 has been released, this release is considered as final transition of Rhythmbox to GTK +3, the new release also is compatible with...

Container: Docker Compose on Ubuntu 16.04

What is Docker Compose Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container Docker applications. To configure an application’s services with Compose we use a configuration...

Install Oracle VirtualBox And Manage It Using phpVirtualBox On A CentOS...

We, all, know how to install Oracle VirtualBox on CentOS 6.x GUI based systems. But, what about on CentOS minimal server which is not...

What’s that sound? Linux Audio Players

Sound is one of those portions of the Linux operating system that is often unappreciated and not even given a second thought. When examined...

Centreon: How To Monitor Your Windows Server Using NSClient

Introduction Centreon is an Open Source software package alternative to Nagios Xi that lets you supervise all the infrastructure and applications comprising your information system. CES Standard...

List Of Open Source E-Learning Solutions

Currently, it is becoming very beneficial to study over internet and computer. Where ever you are you can have course and improve your knowledge,...

Debian 7.0 ‘Wheezy’ Review

Just short of two weeks after the big release of Ubuntu 13.04 'Raring Ringtail', I had Debian 7.0 'Wheezy' arrive...