Tips & Tricks

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) Stack on...

LAMP is an abbreviation used for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is a powerful combination of technology in web development. Each...

Enhancing User Experience: How Linux OS and Localization Drive Global Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, user experience (UX) has emerged as a critical factor in determining...

Using Pmap to Report Memory Map of a Process (With Examples)

Taking measure of a process's RAM usage on Windows has always been straightforward.  You launch the Task Manager and browse through the processes to find...

Transcription Services on Linux: A Guide to Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency

Transcription services on Linux are becoming increasingly popular, offering users a better way to increase their productivity and efficiency. By leveraging the open-source nature...

Tighten the Security of Linux Servers

What is Linux? The simple and straightforward meaning of Linux is the operating system used to build a connection between the software resources and the...

Unleashing the Power of Linux/Unix: A Beginner’s Guide

In the world of operating systems, Linux and Unix stand out as powerful, versatile, and robust options...

Maximizing Your Security on Google Cloud: Essential Tips with Linux and...

Google Cloud is being extensively used by businesses to harness its capabilities as part of their cloud...

How To Check An MD5 Checksum on Linux (Fast And Easy)

A checksum value is a short data block derived from a larger one. MD5 (Message Digest 5) checksum values are used to verify the...

Empowering Linux Systems with ChatGPT Integration

Introduction ChatGPT development services is an open-source tool that can be integrated with Linux systems for secure and remote communication. With ChatGPT development services, you...

Enhancing Mobile App Success via Linux with Strategic Tools and Approaches

When embarking on creating the perfect mobile app via the Linux platform, you will want to build...

What Are the Best Programming Languages for Linux Devs?

If you are on the path to becoming a Linux developer, surely you will understand that computer science and programming are a core part...

Unlocking the Power of Linux for Everyday Users

Sometimes, in the bustling digital world we navigate daily, we get lost in the latest gadgets, the flashiest interfaces, or the brand...

How to prevent SSH from disconnecting sessions

Introduction If you work with SSH, you already know that, after few minutes of inactivity, a session would be closed automatically, for security reasons. In...

Best Linux Apps to Have in 2021

  Are you looking to improve your Linux experience by installing some more applications? If so, this article should give you a few ideas to...

Linux Commands Every Sysadmin Must Know

If you are a system administrator, then Linux commands are what you use everywhere, you know what they are for and how to use...

Bash Alias: How It Works and Why You Need One

The bash shell incorporates some of the best features of the C and Korn shells, such as job control, directory manipulation, and aliases.  Aliases are...

Cyber-Attacks on Industrial Infrastructure are Intensifying

Cybercriminals are now attacking the whole world in a very different way. In the past, they were just limited to the normal power users...

Unlock the Power Reverse Email Lookup With Linux: Improving Security and...

Email is a major communication mode in today’s digital era. Whether you use it for personal interactions,...