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.NET and Linux: The Perfect Combination for Modern Software Development Platforms

Introduction In the past few years, there have been significant advancements in the field of software development. While technologies like .NET and Linux have always...

Why UNIX Professionals Are Increasingly Adopting DevOps

Picture this: you're a UNIX pro who's spent years honing your skills in a world of terminals, scripts, and shell commands. It's been a...

3 Reasons Why Linux is the Best Choice to Achieve Optimal...

With technological advancements, hackers are becoming increasingly adept at identifying vulnerabilities and gaps in security systems. This makes unauthorized access to secure data and...

A guide to app redesign: Making it evolve!

If you want your app to be a long-standing one, you should adapt it to the environment. Times change, and user tastes are changing...

6 Factors that Make Linux Important for your Small Business

A huge number of modern companies know about Linux firsthand. Many of them have been using various distributions in one form or another for...

5 Tips for an Effective Cyber Security Strategy for Your Business

Cyber attacks have drastically advanced, with criminals using more sophisticated tools to steal and misuse company data. This has increased ransomware, phishing attempts, DoS...

TOP 5 important aspects when learning Linux for a beginner

Linux is an open-source operating system that has gained popularity in recent years. Many people are switching to Linux because it is more secure...

Automated Linux Apache MySQL PHP or Nginx PHP-FPM MYSQL installation and...

This is auto-installer for automatically install and configure apache or nginx with MySQL and PHP. On install time Apache or nGinx script will ask...

Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu 15.10

Introduction Jekyll is a site generator which is useful to generate static and simple website for personal, project or organizational purpose. It is like some...

How To List All Running Services Under Systemctl

Like most operating systems, Linux distros also continuously run processes (both individual processes and groups of them) in the background. The term for these...

How Linux Users Can Protect Their Business

If your business uses Linux as an operating system, it is important that you know the best ways to protect your operations. Cybercrime is...

Install Froxlor Server Management Panel In Ubuntu

About Froxlor Froxlor is a server management panel used to manage multiple-users services. It can be used to manage domain services, email accounts or web...

What Are the Best Programming Languages for Linux Devs?

If you are on the path to becoming a Linux developer, surely you will understand that computer science and programming are a core part...

PaperTyper.net – Set of Tools for Generation and Edition

Every student has encountered academic writing problems just once in their life. You may have no time or not understand the task. It may...

Custom Software Development for Small Businesses and Linux

Any business depends significantly on software development. It helps you to manage your data, keep track of your inventory, and improve customer satisfaction. The...

The Advantages Of Linux Over Other Operating Systems In Business Processes

Linux has become a go-to option for many businesses in recent years. There are a number of reasons why this is the case, but...

Tools for Linux Users to Not Miss Out On

Linux is the least popular “mainstream” operating system. Unlike its main competitors, Linux is free and open source, which is perfect for various circumstances....

Top 10 Benefits of Linux for App Development

Linux appeared in 1991 and remained one of the top systems for developing practical solutions. It is one of the best-loved bases for app...