Linux tutorials

How to install Nextcloud on CentOS 7

Introduction In a previous tutorial we talked about the installation of Nextcloud on an Ubuntu 16.04 server with Apache. Remember, Nextcloud is a cloud storage...

What your inner computer geek should know about Python and Linux

Having been around computers since my youngest years I have always been curious how they work, so I started playing around with them. I...

Install Mattermost with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Mattermost is a workplace messaging system for web, PCs and phones. It's an open source alternative to Slack. A complete Mattermost installation consists of three...

How to install ownCloud 9.1.4 on CentOS 7

Introduction OwnCloud 9.1.4 is an open source software for file sharing and data synchronization that is very useful in the enterprise sector, with an easy...

How to install and use EncryptPad on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction EncryptPad is an application for editing symmetrically encrypted text. It provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files, and it uses the format...

How to install WordPress with Docker on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction For those who don't know, WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU...

Install Grunt and Grunt-cli on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, which helps in performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. This means that a developer...

Install OTRS on Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache

Introduction OTRS (Open-Source Ticket Request System) is a web-based ticketing system, widely used by businesses for services like customer support, help desks and call centres....

Installing Elastic Stack on CentOS 7

Introduction For those who don't know, Elastic Stack (ELK Stack) is an infrastructure software program made up of multiple components developed by Elastic. The components include: Beats:...

Install and configure Rclone on Debian 8

Introduction Rclone is a command line program developed to sync files and directories to and from various cloud storage services, like Google Drive, Amazon S3,...

Hacking FFmpeg With Python – Part One

FFmpeg is a great multimedia framework that helps you deal with your audio and video files. What do I mean by this? Well, you...

How to install Drupal 8.1.10 on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Drupal is a content-management framework written in PHP and distributed under the GNU GPL. It can be used for any type of site, from...

How to install Tomcat 8.5 on Debian 8

Introduction Apache Tomcat is a Java Servlet Container which implements several Java EE specifications including JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Servlet, WebSocket and Java EL. It  also...

How to install WordPress with Nginx, HHVM and MariaDB on Ubuntu...

Introduction If you've never heard about HHVM, it's an open-source Virtual Machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. For performance reasons, it uses...

Install and configure Jenkins on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Jenkins is an automation server written in Java, as a fork of the Hudson project. It helps to automate part of the software development...

Let’s Encrypt your Apache webserver on CentOS 7

Introduction It was September when, with a post on its blog, Google announced that starting from Chrome 56, its browser will mark non-secure pages containing...

How to sync files with lsyncd

Introduction We've already talked about using tools like rsync for managing backup of your systems, but there's another "problem" which has to be solved if...

Mount remote directories with SSHFS

Introduction For those who don't know, SSHFS stands for Secure SHell FileSystem. It's a client that enables us to interact with remote directories through SFTP...