
all about unix systems (Hpux/IRIX/Solaris/BSD

How to install Ubuntu 17.04 Server, or ‘Zesty Zapus’

Introduction - Ubuntu 17.04 In April 2017, Canonical finally released the new version of it's GNU/Linux distribution, Ubuntu 17.04 - also named Zesty Zapus. In this...

How to Install NetBSD in VirtualBox

NetBSD can often be the forgotten Unix distribution. Forgotten to the popularity of FreeBSD, OpenBSD, PC-BSD and others. In truth, NetBSD has been around...

How to Install and Configure Subversion Server on Ubuntu 13.04 Server

Subversion is a free and open-source version control system (VCS). It manages files and directories, and the changes made to them over time. This...

Install Moodle 3.2 on a RHEL 7 server

Introduction Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide a single, integrated system for educational institutes. It powers tens of thousands of environments all over the...

Unlocking the Power of Unix: A Guide for Aspiring Bloggers and...

Writing and blogging have become two of the most well-liked pastimes on the web. However, you'll need to be inventive and unique if you...

Getting One Time Password for FreeBSD using OPIE

Introduction Secure Shell, or SSH, is a cryptographic (encrypted) network protocol for initiating text-based shell sessions on remote machines in a secure way. This allows a user...

Monitor Per Process Network Bandwidth Usage with Nethogs

NetHogs is an open-source, small 'net top' tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it...

Install PHP Server Monitor On Ubuntu Server 14.04/13.10

Introduction PHP Server Monitor is a web based monitoring tool that check websites and servers are up and running. And we also can manage users...

Argument Handling in Python

Argument handling gives user the chance to interact with the script and use it for different tasks. Two ways to do this in Python...

Install PacketFence Network Access Control on Ubuntu

PacketFence is a network access control (NAC) system featuring a captive-portal for registration and remediation, wired and wireless management, 802.1x support, isolation of devices,...

Cross Compilation Across Several Networked Computers on Gentoo

This tutorial covers crossdev and distcc that allow users to cross compile across several networked computers on Gentoo. I used it on an Intel Celeron...

Audit the security of your Unix/Linux systems using lynis

Lynis is an auditing tool for unix/linux like systems which is used to scan the entire unix/linux systems for security issues, installed software informations,...

Install KDE in FreeBSD 9.x

Some people like to play with FreeBSD and to use it like a desktop operating system. Normally, FreeBSD is a text mode server OS...

FreeBSD10 Install Step By Step

The  FreeBSD 10  has been released last days with many  wonderful features Lets show you how you can install this OS: Screenshots: ...

Continuous Integration: Concourse CI on Ubuntu 16.04

Concourse Continuous Integration System Concourse CI is a simple and scalable continuous integration system with an end goal of providing a system with as few...

Secure File from Removal in Linux and Unix

Protecting files from unwanted deletion is very important security on the tasklist of Unix Administrators. On Linux boxes you can use the chattr command and...

FreeBSD Snort IPS

The topology will be as follows: Apache, MySQL and PHP already installed and configured. In /usr/local/etc/php.ini file configure the  following lines: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE date.timezone =...

Howto- Install Webmin in FreeBSD

Question: How to install Webmin in FreeBSD 8.x en 9.x ? Answer:  Before to begin, you need to install Perl,  do that using the command #...