Why developers should look at ‘Open Octave’
Project Open Octave Studio, is the open source software for musicians to compose and create digital audio and is ideal as music production software as well...
LINUX TYCOON a Distro simulator for some great fun
Linux Tycoon, is a new genre of Linux games that gives gamers a great new simulation game to explore. Here is why the game...
Pear Linux Comice OS 4.0 has been released! Screenshots Tour &...
Comice Pear Linux OS 4.0 has been released, the new release comes with some news, improvements and bug fixes. PearOS4.0 comes with Comice OS...
Bodhi Linux 1.4.0 has been released! | Screeshots tour
Bodhi Linux 1.4.0 has been released, in this quarter update, Enlightenment has been built from a fresh SVN pull from March 20th and the...
Rapid release Firefox announced for Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
In a recent change of pace Firefox has moved to rolling release over its bi-annual release. This has had an impact on other software...