
Top 5 Programming Languages for Developing Linux Desktop Applications

The IT industry is the quickest developing industry. It is befuddling to choose the one appropriate and useful choice as it has bunches of...

systemd on Gentoo

This tutorial is a guide to help setting up systemd on Gentoo. systemd is a modern sysvinit and RC replacement for Linux systems. This article...

How To Log In Python, A Simple Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple python script that makes use of the logging python standard library in order...

Strings in Python

Now that you have learned how to work in interactive mode with...

Popular Linux Development Software

Software developers use a lot of different tools and methods for their hacking. And by hacking, I mean real, good and legitimate hacking. Real...

Most Popular Programming Languages In The IT industry

Programmers are always in high demand these days for jobs, especially if they have fluency in coding language. Learning programming in various languages for...

Open-Source Software Licenses

To some people’s surprise, even open-source software has a license attached to it. And with that license comes a description and agreement for what...

Install and configure Jenkins on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Jenkins is an automation server written in Java, as a fork of the Hudson project. It helps to automate part of the software development...

Performance on Linux. Just how far *can* we go?

As the title suggests, Linux and performance in the same sentence makes for an interesting topic of discussion. Everyone knows there is a multitude...

Pytube: How to Download Youtube Videos with this Python Tool

Introduction pytube is a python package written for the main purpose of downloading videos from the famous video website Youtube. According to the official documentation...

How Secure is Your Password? Create a Strong Password and Sleep...

Our on-line content, bank accounts, shopping accounts and social network accounts are as safe as our passwords are. Most people don't  consider password security...

Top 10 Benefits of Linux for App Development

Linux appeared in 1991 and remained one of the top systems for developing practical solutions. It is one of the best-loved bases for app...

Kernel Development Made Easy? Not yet.

If someone asked me “What is your favorite part of the Linux operating system?”, I would have to say the Linux kernel itself. And...

Introduction To Python *args and **kwargs For Beginners – Part 1

Many new python geeks have a hard time figuring out the *args and **kwargs magic variables when working with them for the first time,...

How to print in the same line using end=’ ‘ argument

The print statement prints by default a newline character in Python. Look this example: print("Hello") print("world") The output is going to be in two separated lines: Hello ...

What is Linear Programming?

Introduction Linear programming is a method for determining the best solution to a linear function. Making a few simple assumptions is the best technique for...

How to install Visual Studio Code and .NET Core on RHEL...

Introduction It was November 2014 when Microsoft announced the open sourcing of .NET with a project named .NET Core. It was announced as a smaller...

Howto- Install Python 3.x in Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora & Centos

Question: How to install Python 3.x in Ubuntu, Fedora &  Centos? Answer: 1- To be able to compile Python Source, you will need few packages. Open...