
Why Linux skills are a necessity on your resume

Jim Zemlin, the Linux Foundation's director, has some heartening news for Linux world professionals. He was recently quoted saying, "Linux's increasing use across industries...

DoudouLinux 1.0 is released! Great debian based distro for Children

 DoudouLinux is a Debian-based distribution targeting young children, with a goal to make computer use as simple and pleasant as possible. The project's...

Firefox 5 leaked Link, Download before its official!

Mozilla announced to release Firefox 5 on 21st June, 3 months after Firefox 4, following the Rapid release cycle inspired by the Google Chrome....

Wakanda the New FOSS Egg has just hatched-a new platform for...

Well it looks like the incubator is working...

Can MongoDB become King of NoSQL ?

Non-relational databases are an alternative to SQL databases...

Kernel number goes fashionable with no-reason Linux Kernel 3.0

No rhyme or reason, just wanted a change...

Ubuntu to offer infotainment in your vehicle

News on Ubuntu is getting better by the day. The first half of...

Pidgin 2.8.0 is out , Install via PPA (Ubuntu...

Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously. Pidgin is compatible with the following chat...

Why Oracle choose to donate OpenOffice to Apache?

The success story of Open Office took a...

MeeGo devices unveiled at Computex 2011

The 2011version of Computex saw, new MeeGo-based devices...

Chrome 12, What's new?

Happy Chrome 12 to 160 million users world-wide. Google releases Chrome 12 stable that claims to be more secure and flashy. Let’s see what...

VLC 1.1.10 is released!

VideoLAN and the VLC development team present VLC 1.1.10, a minor release of the 1.1 branch. This release brings a rewritten pulseaudio output,...

What is new on the Red Hat 5.7 Beta?

Following the release of the Red Hat Enterprise...

Now You Tube 3D arrive on WebM

You Tube continues to prove that it is...

LibreOffice 3.4.0 is released! Installation instructions for Ubuntu, fedora, Debian

LibreOffice 3.4.0 is released! This is the second major release of the suite since the announcement of The Document Foundation in September 2010...

Apache Libcloud, incubated cloud manager, graduates to Apache Software Foundation Project

Finally, with Apache Libcloud, using multiple cloud services...

Google to adopt WebP while Mozilla and Inc will watch WebP...

WebP is a video format that was first...

The Revolution OS – An Open Source epic docu-drama

Every revolution, in history, is the result of a certain unfairness or injustice to the majority. When a handful gains, when some wield power...