Linux tutorials

5 Major Benefits of Having a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)...

The annual security breaches for Unix and Linux infrastructure is at an all-time high, with almost 1.7 million Linux malware floating across the internet...

Ad-Free Surfing on Vivaldi: Try StandsApp’s Free AdBlocker

Internet users frequently encounter a deluge of advertisements when navigating the web. However, with the assistance of StandsApp's Fair AdBlocker, the Vivaldi browser can...

Understanding SU – Installing and Configuring SUDO

Who is the Superuser (SU)? The SuperUser (SU) – usually known as root in my Unix-like systems is the first user created at the installation...

Install Mattermost with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Mattermost is a workplace messaging system for web, PCs and phones. It's an open source alternative to Slack. A complete Mattermost installation consists of three...

Analytics Engines: Elasticsearch 5.4 on Ubuntu 16.04

Elasticsearch - A Distributed Analytics Engine Elasticsearch is an open-source, highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine. It is part of a full stack called Elastic...

Best Linux Apps to Have in 2021

  Are you looking to improve your Linux experience by installing some more applications? If so, this article should give you a few ideas to...

TOP 5 important aspects when learning Linux for a beginner

Linux is an open-source operating system that has gained popularity in recent years. Many people are switching to Linux because it is more secure...

How To Use The xxd Hex Dumper Utility In Linux

On most Unix-like operating systems, the xxd command helps users read a file as its hexadecimal values. The ASCII representation of the files is...

How Does Linux Protect Its Users’ Privacy Online?

Internet users are more aware than ever before about the value of their data and how many companies want to collect and use it....

Navigating Data Recovery on Linux with Open Source Software

Most people continue to face data recovery challenges across the world. Like those using Windows computers, Linux users are not left behind in these...

The Importance of Permissions Auditing

Auditing is a fundamental process that applies to many industries and use cases. The basic understanding of...

Mount remote directories with SSHFS

Introduction For those who don't know, SSHFS stands for Secure SHell FileSystem. It's a client that enables us to interact with remote directories through SFTP...

How to deploy Rocket.Chat on AWS – Part I

Introduction to Rocket.Chat We have already talked about Rocket.Chat, a private messaging system like Slack and Mattermost, and how to install and configure it on...

Decentralized Communication with Matrix on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction to Decentralized Communication Matrix is an open standard for real-time, interoperable and decentralized communication over IP, used to power VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication, Instant...

How Programming Homework Can Be Done Faster

Today we want to touch upon a critically important and relevant topic on which the success of everyone who needs to do programming homework...

The Best VPN GUI For Linux

Setting up a VPN on Linux used to involve the terminal, Stack Overflow and a computer science degree. Nowadays, the process is a lot...

The Dig Command: An Introduction to Linux Digging

The Domain Information Groper command, or "dig" for short, collects data about Domain Nameservers and enables troubleshooting DNS problems.  It's popular mainly because it is...

Fast And Easy Explanation of sudo apt update Command

The sudo apt update command is one of the first commands a Linux newbie learns to use. The command instructs a Linux machine to...