How To Install Websvn In CentOS 7
WebSVN offers a view onto your subversion repositories that's been designed to reflect the Subversion methodology. You can view the log of any file...
Install And Configure WordPress 4.0 “Benny” On CentOS 7
As you may know, WordPress is the most popular free and open source Content management system that can be used to create single or...
Install Zarafa On CentOS 6.5 – An Alternative To Microsoft Exchange...
Are you looking for a best alternative to Microsoft Exchange server? Then Zarafa is the one you should try. Zarafa, previously known as Connectux, ...
Managing And Publishing Files Hosted In A Webserver With Mollify
Have you ever wanted a utility to manage and publish the files/folders hosted in your remote web servers easily and as well as more...
Building An Effective And Cheap Redundant Structure For My Servers
People tell me I am paranoid about backups, but hey I admit it - I am! No traumas with lost data for me. Being...
Install Moodle Learning Managment System on CentOS 6
Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a...
How to Secure Your Home Network with OpenDNS
OpenDNS is a free DNS alternative to your ISP DNS. It helps you to get faster and as well as safer browsing at absolutely...
Networking in Python, Sockets
The key to networking in Python is the socket module, which provides a library for making network connections using Python.
The socket module is used...
Setup Social Publishing CMS (Content Managemnet System) Using Pligg
Pligg is an open-source CMS social publishing software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect...
Easy Steps to Setup LAMP in Slackware 14.0
LAMP is a combination of free, open source software. The acronym LAMP refers to the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software), and PHP, Perl or Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server.
The exact...
The Basics of Everything – DNS
Following on from our previous post by one of my colleagues, I thought it would be a good idea to dive a little deeper...
Nameserver IP’s Missing in WHM Centos
This entry is filed under Cpanel Issues and tagged Name-server IP's missing in WHM, Name-server IP's not shown in WHM,
I got the same issue...