How to Update Kali Linux?

Update Kali LinuxKali Linux is a Debian-based, open-source operating system that’s ideal for penetration testing, reverse engineering, security auditing, and computer forensics. It’s a rolling release model, as multiple updates of the OS are available in a year, offering you access to a pool of advanced tools that keep your software secure. But how to update Kali Linux to the latest version to avoid risks and compatibility issues? 

To help you in this regard, we are going to discuss the step-by-step process of updating Kali Linux and its benefits. Let’s begin! 

How to Update Kali Linux: Step-by-Step Guide 

Being hired to build smart solutions, a lot of custom IoT development professionals use Kali Linux for advanced penetration testing and even reverse engineering. However, it is important to keep it updated to avoid vulnerabilities. 

Before starting with how to update the Kali Linux process, you must have a stable internet connection and administrative rights. 

Here are the steps you can follow for this: 

Step 1: Check Resources List File 

The Linux Kali package manager fetches updates from the repository, so you first need to make sure that the system’s repository list is properly configured and aligned. Here’s how to check it: 

  1. Open the terminal and run the following command to access the resources list file:

  1. The output will display this list if your system is using the Kali Linux rolling release repository:

deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

  1. If the file is empty or has incorrect entries, you can edit it using editors like Nano or vim. 
  2. Once you are sure that the list has only official and correct Kali Linux entries, save and close the editor. 

Step 2: Update the Package Information 

The next step is to update the package information using the repository list so the Kali Linux system knows about all the latest versions and updates available. The steps for that are:

  1. In the terminal, run this given command:

sudo apt update

  1. This command updates the system’s package index to the latest repository information. You also see a list of packages being checked and their status (available for upgrade or not).

Note: It only extracts the list of new packages and doesn’t install or update them! 

Step 3: Do a System Upgrade

In how to update Kali Linux, the third step involves performing a system upgrade to install the latest versions and updates. 

  1. Run the apt upgrade command to update all the installed packages to their latest version. However, unlike a full system upgrade, this command doesn’t remove or install any package from the system. 
  2. You can then use the apt full-upgrade that upgrades all the packages and even add or remove some to keep your system running smoothly.
  3. The apt dist-upgrade is given when you want to handle package dependency changes, remove obsolete packages, and add new ones. Review all the changes that the commands have made and confirm the upgrade. 

Step 4: Get Rid of Unnecessary Packages

Over time, useless files can accumulate in your system, taking up valuable disc space. You should get rid of them to declutter the system and also enhance the overall storage. Here are the steps for that:

  1. To remove the leftover packages, run the command:

sudo apt autoremove -y

  1. Cached files also take up a lot of disc space, and you can remove them via the following command: 

sudo apt autoclean

Step 5: Double-Check the Update 

Once you are all done installing the latest software, you should double-check to see if the system is actually running the upgrade. For this, give the command: 

cat /etc/os-release

You can then see operating system information like version details and release date. 

Step 6: It’s Time to Reboot the System 

Well, this step is optional, but we suggest rebooting Kali Linux to ensure that the system is running the latest version and that all changes are fully applied. You can then perform tasks like security testing of custom IoT development processes. The command for this is: 

sudo reboot

Why Update Kali Linux to the Latest Version? 

Software development and deployment trends are changing quickly. Now that you know how to update and upgrade Kali Linux, you must be wondering why you should update the system and what its impacts are. If so, here are some compelling reasons: 

Security Fixes and Patches

Cybercrimes are quickly increasing, and statistics show that 43% of organizations lose existing customers because of cyber attacks. Additionally, individuals lose around $318 billion to cybercrime. 

However, when you update to the latest version of Kali Linux, there are advanced security fixes and patches. They remove all system vulnerabilities and make sure that professionals don’t fall victim to such malicious attempts. 

Access to New Tools and Features 

Kali Linux offers many features and tools like Metasploit, Nmap, and others, and they receive consistent updates from their developers. 

So, upgrading the OS assures that you are using the latest version of all pre-installed tools. You enjoy better functionality and improved system performance that make your daily tasks more efficient.

For instance, the updated version of Nmap has fast scanning capabilities that pave the way for quick security auditing and troubleshooting.

Compatibility with New Technologies 

Technology is evolving, and new protocols and software are introduced every day. The developers behind Kali Linux are well aware of these shifts. They are pushing regular updates that support these newer technologies for better system compatibility. 


The process of how to update Kali Linux becomes easy if you are aware of the correct commands and understand the difference between upgrade options. Most importantly, don’t forget to reboot your system after a major update like Kernel to make sure that changes are configured properly. 


How often should I update Kali Linux? 

It’s advisable to update Kali Linux at least once a week or whenever there are new system updates. The purpose is to make sure that the system is secure and has all the latest features by receiving security patches and addressing all vulnerabilities. 

Can I update Kali Linux without using the terminal?

No, you cannot update Kali Linux without using the terminal. To update the system, you can use the apt and apt-get commands. The steps involved in this process include checking the source file, updating the package repository, and upgrading the system. 

Is Kali Linux good for learning cyber security? 

Yes, Kali Linux is a good tool for learning cyber security. It has a range of tools for penetration testing, network security, analysis, and vulnerability scanning.