Install Easy Hosting Control Panel (EHCP) in Ubuntu 12.10 Server / Debian 6

EHCP is an open-source and powerful hosting control panel that lets you to host any websites, create email accounts, create additional (sub) domains and create FTP accounts and many more. It is only the first hosting control panel that provide the built-in support for nginx with PHP-FPM.

In this How-to, I will show you how to install EHCP in Ubuntu 12.10 Server. It should work well on all other distributions such as Debian, RHEL and CentOS.

Get the latest version of EHCP:

unixmen@server:~$ wget
unixmen@server:~$ tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz

Now execute the script to begin installation:

unixmen@server:~$ cd ehcp/
unixmen@server:~/ehcp$ sudo ./

Read the installer instructions very carefully and follow the instructions. The installer will install all the necessary packages like Apache, MySQL, Postfix and PHP. And also during the installation it will ask you to configure some services and to enter the passwords for EHCP admin accounts. The installation will take nearly 1 hour depending upon your internet speed.

After a while, you will be asked to set MySQL root password.

Enter the password and click OK.

Re-enter the password and click OK.

Now select the mail server which one is compatible to you.

In my case I select “Internet Site”.

Enter your mail domain name and Click OK.

Select ‘Yes’ to create web based directories.

Click ‘OK’ to create SSL certificate.

Choose your desired webserver and click OK.

Configure phpmyadmin to administer the databases. Click Yes.

Specify the phpmyadmin database administrative user password.

Enter your MySQL root password and click OK.

Confirm the password.

Now configure the roundcube-core.

Select the database for roundcube. In my case I select MySQL.

Specify the password for roundcube administrative account.

Specify MySQL password for roundcube.

Confirm the password.

That’s it. The installation is now complete.

Now open the EHCP console by pointing your web browser with “http://ip-address/” or “http://localhost”.

Click on the link “Click here for the control panel on your server”. Enter the administrative credentials. The default password for admin account is 1234. If you had entered a new password during the installation please provide the same.

The main console window EHCP will look like below.

From here you can create domains, users, FTP accounts and databases and email accounts for the domains.