What are custom AdTech solutions?

adtech solutions

Now that the world is firmly in a digital age, everything is starting to lean in that direction and very few areas reflect this more than the advertising sector. We’ve all seen paid ads on various online spaces, and if you’ve wondered how these things are managed the best, the answer is likely custom AdTech solutions.

AdTech in itself is a broader term that describes a host of things according to Teqblaze. So it has to be delved into before the custom element is tackled. Fortunately, that’s what this piece is for. Let’s check more details about AdTech and discuss its benefits!

In the realm of digital advertising, where efficiency and precision are paramount, the Linux operating system emerges as a cornerstone for custom AdTech solutions. With its robust architecture and flexibility, Linux provides a stable foundation for developing and deploying innovative advertising technologies. Whether it’s harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for data analysis or managing ad campaigns across diverse platforms, Linux offers a versatile platform that adapts to the evolving needs of the AdTech landscape. Moreover, its open-source nature fosters collaboration and customization, allowing businesses to tailor solutions precisely to their requirements while minimizing costs. As organizations seek to streamline operations and maximize returns on advertising investments, embracing Linux-based solutions can significantly enhance both cost-effectiveness and time efficiency in managing digital ad campaigns.

Digital advertising solutions

AdTech(advertising technology) in a broader sense refers to tools that help one launch, manage, monitor and trade their digital ads. This shouldn’t be confused with martech, which is the broader term of which AdTech is a part. AdTech caters to several parties in the space, which include:

  • The first-party (publishers), who have the digital space on which ads can be placed
  • The third-party (advertisers), who are looking for space to promote their offerings
  • Ad networks, which connect the two previous options together

Based on where you lie in this ecosystem, AdTech can serve you in many ways. For those in the first-party camp, their goal is to sell inventory, which is the valuable ad space they possess. Those in the third-party camp, want their Ad campaigns to better focus their required customer base via targeted ads, as well as customer and performance tracking, thus making their investment fruitful.

The AdTech supporting the above parties come in a myriad of forms, and if any of them is familiar in that you’ve used it, then the tools in question aren’t particularly foreign to you. Some forms are as follows:

Platforms of either side

When it comes to the buying and selling of ads, two platforms exist; the demand-side and the supply-side (DSP and SSP respectively). The former is a demand-driven marketplace in which advertisers With a predetermined target market and a set budget gain access to inventory offered by SSPs and other spaces like ad exchanges.

Conversely, the latter is supply-driven. As such, they’re marketplaces where publishers, Ad exchanges and the like are actively selling their inventory based on set bidding parameters to get the most possible.

Data platforms

When this is spoken of, first-party data Platforms are being referred to in this case. These are pieces of customer data that you receive via your organization’s efforts, such as through a form customers fill on your website. Examples of these include:

  • Customer Relationship Management Platforms (CRMs), which manage interactions with particular individuals, whose contact information, as well as said meetings, are centralized for better access to the data
  • Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are centralized databases that are a collection of information from various sources such as the aforementioned CRMs, websites and mobile apps

AI-based AdTech

Artificial intelligence is another tool used to make the handling of ads a lot more efficient. Whether it’s data analysis or using said information you’re creating ads that better zero in on potential clients, AI can perform this more efficiently.

It is simply possibly because it uses algorithms. Artificial Intelligence in the marketing space in general saw over $27 billion in revenue last year, which is expected to grow quite a bit in the years to come. Its use in programmatic advertising, which is the automated buying, and creation of ads is also notable, although that’s a space that needs its discussion.

Ad servers

Understanding how your ads are doing allows you to address any flaws and best serve them to your audience. Ad servers are tools that allow for this performance tracking, as well as other things such as managing ads and delivering them to websites, as well as apps.

Choosing the right tools

It’s important to know exactly what type of tools you’ll need among the many. This is why a custom AdTech solutions provider would be great to find, as they tailor solutions to your needs. Now, with your budget and business needs in mind, which, for example, may include something such as automated bidding or the creation of more targeted ads, think of the following when choosing a provider:

  • The custom AdTech solutions provider has to be experienced and knowledgeable especially with something like software development
  • The provider should be well-equipped to handle anything, which is possible if they have the right tech stack and a team of professionals who not only know how to use it but are creative enough to evolve with the times
  • The provider should also be helpful in terms of the support they offer before, during, and post-delivery of your solution
  • The provider should have variety in terms of what they offer, which should include the above AdTech types, as well as others like mobile and video solutions

What comes with the right custom solution

With a look at AdTech out of the way, let’s look at its benefits. It comes down to the following list with main advantages:

Being cost-effective

Spending on digital advertising is inevitable. However, with custom AdTech that expenditure is cut because based on the tool being used, the campaigns are optimized for the best result. Something such as targeting the right audience achieves this and with them, your return on investment is improved.

Being time-efficient

There is an automated element to AdTech and it’s beneficial for one reason, which is to remove the manual element from menial tasks. Something such as bidding is an issue when done manually, but when automated, they’re easier to handle.

Final thoughts

The more digital the world becomes, the more advertising in this manner becomes the clear option, which is only compounded by the desire of businesses to grow by targeting the billions of people available to be focused on. The complexity of the space means that organizations are looking to cut the accompanying costs, and time concerning managing, trading and monitoring ads, and a custom AdTech services provider of quality will very much be of use. Tailoring to your specifications, allows you to reap the benefits, although this requires you to do some research to find the partner to best help you.