Stencyl, Design Once Play Anywhere

Do you want to be a game developer? Do you dream to reach a big audience in the game development industry? How about making some money? Then follow your passion, go for it! But, where to start? What programming language do I need?

To tell the truth, you don’t need any programming language, you can now publish to all the major platforms without writing a line of code. How is this possible? Ok, have you ever hear about Stencyl? No? Don’t worry, this article aims to inform you guys about this game creation software. Stencyl is a gorgeous game creation software that take care of the essentials like physics and native APIs so you can focus on what’s important. This game creation software allows you to publish everywhere, it officially supports  iOS, Android*, Flash, Windows, Linux and Mac.

Make Money With Games

How do you make money from your game? The best way to make money from your game is to publish it on the game market, on the App Store or Google Play store, but if you aren’t well known in the gamers community it will be very hard to sell at the beginning, so you should consider seeking a sponsor to purchase the rights to your game and market it for you or  release your game for free and embed ads.

Now, how about the installation of the  Stencyl software ? Follow the instructions shown below. The following commands were tested on Ubuntu 13.04 64 bit edtion. I am not sure about the other distro’s.

Open up the terminal and enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs appmenu-gtk:i386 ## Don't need to install this on 32 bit distro's
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

Download Stencyl from website. Extract it with command:

cd path/to/stencyl
tar xzf Stencyl-x.y.z.tar.gz

And finally run in it using command:


 Sample Screenshots

Figure 1

stencylFigure 2

What are you waiting for guys? Go to Stencyl Getting started guide found here and start developing a game.