What is PengPod 1040? Pengpod 1040 is the latest Pengpod tablet which can dual boot GNU/Linux and Android, all from internal memory. This tablet comes with an ARM Cortex-A7 (Quad-Core) processor, 2 GB of RAM and Linaro 13.04 / Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) operating systems. There is a white version and a silver one.
6GB of Flash, SD Slot, Wifi, Bluetooth, 7 Ah battery and more. The cool thing about this device is that you don’t need SD cards to dual boot. Everything happens in the internal memory.
You can choose to boot Android or Linaro, but the system will boot by default into Android which has Google certification and access to the play store, maps and other typical Android apps you might expect. What does Linaro Linux offer? I can say it offers everything you need to do your job. Linaro linux for this tablet offers LibreOffice, GIMP, Apache, MySQL and other linux desktop applications. Can this device boot other linux distros? Yes it can. PengPod 1040 can actually boot:
– Fedora
– ArchLinux
– OpenSUSE
– Ubuntu Touch
This tablet comes with USB Micro Cable, USB OTG Micro-Full Size female, adapter and english manual. You also get a supporter T-shirt and Bluetooth Accessory pack which includes Capacitive Stylus, Bluetooth Keyboard/Case, Bluetooth mouse.