Install Yeoman Angular Generator On Ubuntu Linux 15.04 To Generate Angular JS Application Structure

angular main

What is Angular JS

Angular JS is the most popular java script project, it lets you extend the functionality of HTML to great extent and is considered to be ideal for creating Single Page Applications (SPA). It is a toolset for building the frameworks and is highly extensible and customizable project. It is being used  by developers to cater the needs of modern day programming. According to a recent survey by Github, Angular JS is the most popular project.  It is a Google’s project and currently many developers rank it as the best MVC framework for JavaScript.

What is Yeoman angular generator

In order to deploy your Angular JS applications in a standard and well structured manner, you need Yeoman angular generator.  It is a project generator for angular applications; it easily manages packages, project structure, directories etc.  The working of this tool is simple, install it and start deploying your Angular applications easily using a single command.

Installing Yeoman angular generator on Ubuntu Linux

Lets see how we can install this application to deploy our Angular projects. In order to install this generator app, we need to have following two packages installed on our System:

  • Node.js
  • NPM

If you are want to know more about these two components, check out related article.

Launch your terminal and run following command to update your package manager:

sudo apt-get update

Now run following command to install node.js

sudo apt-get install nodejs

As soon as Node.Js installation is complete, run following command to install NPM (NPM is a package manager for node.js)

sudo apt-get install npm

Run “npm” command on the terminal to see more about its available command line options.

angular main

That’s all, we are ready to install Yeoman angular generator now. Run following npm command to install it on your Ubuntu system.

npm install -g generator-angular

It  will take a sweet amount of time to complete the installation. As soon as the installation is over, start deploying your Angular Apps by using the following syntax.

yo angular APPNAME

Replace APPNAME with the name of your application.


Due to the popularity of Angular applications, you might find some more applications of the same nature as Yeoman, but its totally matter of preference as which tool to use to deploy your angular programs. Yeoman is pretty easy and most widely used.