How To Install Odoo In CentOS 7


Odoo is an free open source ERP which comes with enterprise class features. It is an web based fully featured application, and comes with Open Source CRM, Point of Sales, Human Resource Management, Point of Sales, Billing and Accounting, Event Management, Email Marketing, Order Tracking etc. This application is helpful to maintain the ERP in any business.


We will be using Centos 7 OS for demo setup.

Update System

# yum update -y

Install Postgresql:

# yum install  postgresql-server -y

Enable and  start  postgresql service:

# postgresql-setup initdb
# systemctl enable postgresql &&  systemctl start postgresql

A user  ‘postgres’ is created by default with postgresql by default, this user is created with black password and can not login su except from root. We have to change password first

su - postgres
$ psql
# \password postgres
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
# \q
$ exit

Add Odoo Repo

After successful configuration of Database, we require to install EPEL (Extra Package for Enterprise Linux) first.

# yum install epel-release
# yum install yum-utils

Install Odoo yum Repo:

# yum-config-manager --add-epo=

Update repositories list:

# yum update

Install Odoo:

# yum install -y odoo

Start and enable odoo services:

# systemctl enable odoo
# systemctl start  odoo

Configure firewall settings to enable  ports used by odoo service

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8069/tcp --permanent

# firewall-cmd --reload

By default Odoo allow connections only from localhost, if you wants to access the service across the network then put following entry in last line of file  “/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf”

# nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

Image 1

At this stage your installation is over, open any browser and type <ip_address>:8069. By default master password is ‘admin’, create a database and provide password for that newly created password.

Image 3

After completion of above step a list of available modules will appear, let us install some of them.

Image 5

Let us install CRM and Account package.

Image 6

Edit  setting as per need.Image 7

Create Invoice:

Go the Website icon on the upper left corner -> click invoicing

Image 11

Now in “Invoicing” Module you can create, customers, can edit Products.

Image 8

Create a Invoice which  can be print, or send via email.

Image 10

Similarly create a shop cart.

Image 12

Try some another modules by your own.


Open ERP (Odoo) is a very flexible and user friendly ERP package, after installation no technical expertise are required, you can add, remove or manage various modules with a single click. You can create a shop cart for endless products, can customize your showcase, easy Human resource and customers handling, this is one of the finest ERP available in open source.

Have fun!!