Install LinuxMint12 extensions Mate & MGSE in Ubuntu 11.10

Linux Mint 12 RC comes with two option of desktop environment: One built with GNOME 3.2 and MGSE and other with GNOME 2.3 and MATE. In this post we will show how to Gnome shell extenstion Mate for LinuxMint in Ubuntu11.10.

First if you didn hear about ‘Mate”, it is a fork of Gnome 2 which is compatible with Gnome 3. Thanks to MATE, you can run both versions of Gnome on the same system.MATE is brand new, it’s not completely stable yet, and it’s missing a few parts. It’s being actively maintained and with close collaboration between the MATE developers and Linux Mint. With time the project will gain maturity and provide users with a traditional and solid desktop experience.(1)

For “MGSE” (Mint Gnome Shell Extensions) is a desktop layer on top of Gnome 3 that makes it possible for you to use Gnome 3 in a traditional way. You can disable all components within MGSE to get a pure Gnome 3 experience, or you can enable all of them to get a Gnome 3 desktop that is similar to what you’ve been using before. Of course you can also pick and only enable the components you like to design your own desktop.(1)

You can install Mate and MGSE extension (LinuxMint new Menu) in Ubuntu 11.10 by using the Mintrespository:

1- Open terminal and enter the following commands:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

2- Now add the following line at the bottom of the file:

deb lisa main upstream import

3- Now refresh repository:

sudo apt-get update

4- When refreshing the repository you will got the following error:

 W: GPG error: lisa Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because 
the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3EE67F3D0FF405B2

5- This command will correct the error above:


sudo apt-get install linuxmint-keyring

sudo apt-get update

Now open ubuntu software center and check if Mint repository has been added:



6- Now install Mint Mate using the followng command:

sudo apt-get install mint-meta-mate

Remember since Mint repository was added, you can install any Mint extension, for example to install the new Mint MGSE extension in Ubuntu 11.10, just open Ubuntu software center and search Mint MGSE.

 Now to enter to the new Mate enveriment, logout and choose to Login into Mate:

Pic source:isopenisfree


(1) LinuxMint Blog