Howto install phpBB3 in Ubuntu| Linux


phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. With an extensive database of user-created modifications and styles database containing hundreds of style and image packages to customise your board, you can create a very unique forum in minutes.

In post we will show you how to install phpbb in Ubuntu Linux.

Before to start installing the Forum, we will need to  Install first LAMP in ubuntu, to complete this step, follow the installation instructions in our previous post.

Now lets start with the installation:

1-First  create  a new database (example  phppp) for  phpBB3

When LAMP and phpmyadmin is installed, open phpmyadmin by typing the following in your browser :


and then create a new database. Then write down the username and the password , will be used later during phpbb installation.

2- Download   satble version of phpBB3 from

First download phpBB3, then  extract the  content to the apache directory /var/www

pirat9@puppetclient:~$ ls  -r    /var/www/phpBB*

web.config      styles      posting.php     index.php  faq.php     common.php
viewtopic.php   style.php   memberlist.php  includes   download    cache
viewonline.php  store       mcp.php         images     docs        adm
viewforum.php   search.php  language        files      cron.php
ucp.php         report.php  install-        feed.php   config.php

3- Open the  browser   http://ip/phpBB3  or http://hostname/phpBB3

you will  get  this  page

4-Click to install

5-Proceed to the  Next  step

5-Check  if  config.php  has  chmod  777

6- Start  the  Install

Now input :

the Hostname or Ip of  the  Mysql Server

mysql server  port

database name   (phpbb)

database user :

database pass

7-proceed to the next step to test  the  connection

8-configure  the  admin  account, password and  email

9- Next  step  to  proceed

10- Configure  some  advanced settings

11-next  to  complete  the installation

12-Click  login to access the  admin  control panel

13-Now  you  acces  your  forum with  http://ip/phpBB3 , but dont forget to move or remove  the  install directory. from


14- Start  your   Forum and  Enjoy

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