How to upgrade from Fedora 13 & 14 to Fedora 15

QuestionHow to upgrade from Fedora 13 & 14 to Fedora 15?Fedora-logo



Fedora 15  will be out in few  days , to upgrade from Fedora 13 or 14 to Fedora 15. Please follow  the  steps  as described bellow:

Under root:

1-First, update your current system

yum update -y

2-Install preupgrade package

yum install preupgrade

3-Run the preupgrade tool,




This  will  show  you  the new  release . Now click next to go start  upgrade.  This  step   will  take  some time  to  download  all  packages  of  F15.

After  this,  the  system will  reboot  and  will  complete  the  upgrade  and  clean the old  installations .

Now  login and checkif everything went ok.

[pirat9@localhost ~]$ uname  -a
Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Fri May 6 08:00:28 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[pirat9@localhost ~]$ cat  /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
[pirat9@localhost ~]$