AwOken icon set version 2.0 is released | PPA Ubuntu

Awoken icon set is one of the most popular icons set for Gnome , success is mostly due to the elegance and great achievement and even the ability to customize them.  A new version of Awoken has been released today, this new version added new icons, new icon editor, a PPA for ubuntu,  Natty support and more.

Awoken Icon Set


What`s bew in this version?

  • Great change in customization script: now, for those who has zenity installed, it’s possible to configure the iconset through a very comfortable GUI!!!
  • Replaced grain folder icons by Untergunter with the best of the best: leaf folder icons by Untergunter (4 different choices!!)
  • Updated README pdf file to meet new changes in customization script, and added a new chapter to include a list of those applications that don’t want to change their icon
  • Added natty ppa
  • Revamped support for karmic deb packages (it will be the latest version with ppa support for karmic)
  • Better natty support: gnome-workspace, kjobviewer, preferences-system-time, battery-good-charging, logviewer
  • Applications added (or redrawed): workspace-switcher, google chrome, firefox-trunk, ubuntuone, alltray, auteur, foobnix, kid3, pcmanfm-mod, sabnzbd, kdevelop, start-here-zenwalk (3 versions), distcc monitor, haguichi, orage (and prefs.), xfce4-clock, xfce-schedule, alarm-clock, bashare, bluedun, foxit reader, tor, openvpn, logjam, openbox, arora, djvulibre, darktable, fotowall, fotoxx, furiusisomount, gcdmaster, freespeak, handbrake, midori, pdfedit, lmms, gufw, minitunes, minitube, viewnior, vacuum-im, qutim, qjackctl, meld, grub-customizer, gstm, gx head, postr, pdfmod, rakarrak, guitarix, tuxguitar, hydrogen drum machine, sk1, q4wine, tuxcommander, eiskaltdcpp, giver, fontmatrix, icecat, bzr, bonobo.

Installation in Ubuntu:

To install awoken 2.0 icon set on Ubuntu, enter terminal and type the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alecive/antigone
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install awoken-icon-theme

If you want to customize the installed icons, you can do that by typing this in a terminal:


For other Linux Distribution:


  1. Download the archive from this page
  2. Extract the archive, enter in the directory called AwOken 1.9, and extract also those two archives.
  3. Move the folders called AwOken and AwOkenDark in your .icons folder
  4. Type in a terminal window:
    1. cd .icons
    2. sudo cp AwOken/awoken-icon-theme-customization /usr/bin
    3. sudo cp AwOken/awoken-icon-theme-customization-clear /usr/bin
    4. sudo cp AwOken/awoken-icon-theme-customization-dark /usr/bin
    5. awoken-icon-theme-customization


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