The Tab Mix Plus version, the Tab Add-on for Firefox

Yes, Mozilla’s Firefox is the best browser to date. However, there are certain inherent browser features that are lacking, which third party developers offer. The Tab Mix Plus is one such add-on that helps in deriving features and functional capabilities, which are default on most other browsers. Tabbed browsing with Tab Mix Plus is essentially enabled by a several features of other extensions built into a single package. It supports close to twenty languages and is has quite a bloated feel.


Tab Mix Plus

The Tab Mix Plus offers better tab browsing capabilities with the inclusion of duplicating tabs, tab-clicking options, undo closed tabs, controlling tab focus and several other features. Another major is the full-featured session manager for those instances of crashes. It saves and restores opened tabs and windows, in a combination sequence.

Version, essentially takes care of bugs, fixes some, and sorts out compatibility issues with extensions as well as themes. So far, compatibility with Firefox 6.x.x and . However, support for Firefox 2.0 will not be available with later versions.

Versions in Tab Mix Plus

Usually, there are two versions of Tab Mix Plus available with every release. The ‘official release’ version supports usual use and is found at the Mozilla Add-ontab-mix2 website. It means that these releases are reviewed by Mozilla and can be used with Firefox. This is very critical part of using Add-ons as third-party service providers generally develop them.

The second version is usually a ‘pre-release’ version or a ‘development version’ and is used extensively for testing by developers before release. Therefore, this version is available only from the developer’s home website.

Why Tab Mix Plus is the perfect Add-on

Tab Mix Plus makes it easy to change settings using the scroll wheel. It enables browsing tabs, controlling tab switching with mouse gestures. It is great to specify whether you want web pages to open in the foreground or the background. You can even control it to open in the new tab or continue to open in current tab. This will be possible on whether you are clicking the link, typing in the address or searching at the bar.

Tab duplication is optimized and is protected from closing. Tab Mix Plus is truly convenient to merge tabs from different windows. It is convenient when downloading files as it prevents blank tabs while downloading. The Session Manager is a great feature, which brings back tabs, used in the last browser session, before shut down.

Perhaps, one feature, which users would truly appreciate on the Tab Mix Plus is probably a thumbnails view.

And of course there are the incompatibility issues, such as with Firefox 2.0, leading to uninstalling the version 2.0. Again, users do mention a feel of software bloat  and Tab Mix Plus developers justify it is because of the incredible number of languages the software supports.

The latest version is compatible with Firefox 6.0.

Tab Mix1 

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